
On this page we have listed the contacts for our researchers, research directors, research officer, and director of postgraduate studies.


Research Directors

Research director for Art History
Research Director for History of Ideas
Research Director for Literature
Research Director for Musicology
Research Director for Theatre and Performance studies

Research Officer


Directors of Postgraduate studies

If you need more information about the postgraduate studies at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, please contact the director of postgraduate studies for the subject that you are interested in.

Director of postgraduate studies for Art History
Director of postgraduate studies for History of Ideas
Direcotr of postgraduate studies for Literature
Director of postgraduate studies for Musicology
Director of postgraduate studies for Theatre and Performance studies

Press and communication

The communications officer at the department is both press contact and web manager.


Researchers in Art History


Researchers in Cultural Heritage Studies


Researchers in Curating


Researchers in History of Ideas


Researchers in Literature


Researchers in Musicology


Researchers in Theatre and Performance studies

On this page