
About 60 employees work at the department. The head of the department is responsible for the activities, which is assisted by a management group consisting of the deputy head of department, the head of administration and the directors of studies. The department's highest decision-making body is the department board.


Department management

Head of the department: Magnus Petersson
Deputy head of department: Fia Cottrell-Sundevall 
Head of administration: Johannes Hartvigson
Study director Economic History, basic level: Lars Ahnland
Study director International Relations, basic level: Maria Hellman
Study director, Advanced level: Fia Cottrell-Sundevall
Study director, Research level Economic History: Johan Svanberg
Study director, Research level International Relations: Lisa Dellmuth


The Department Board

The department is lead by the Department Board. The board consists of the Head of department, the Deputy head of department, and representatives of the employees and students at the department.

President: Magnus Petersson, Head of Department

Vice President: Fia Cottrell-Sundevall, Deputy Head of Department

Teacher representatives:
Fia Sundevall, Teacher representative
Klara Arnberg, Teacher representative
Lisa Dellmuth, Teacher representative
Karl Gustafsson, Teacher representative
Mark Rhinard, Teacher representative
Gonzalo Pozo Martin, Teacher representative
Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd, Teacher representative
Karina Shyrokykh, Teacher representative

Johan Svanberg, Deputy teacher representative
Dimitrios Theodoridis, Deputy teacher representative

Jenny Häger

Deputy T/A-personal:
Johannes Hartvigson

Doctoral student representative:
Pontus Blüme

Student representative at undergraduate and advanced level:
David Falk Donatello, Undergraduate level
Bruno Fernandes, Advanced level

Subject council

The department has a subject council for each subject (economic history and international relations). The subject councils meet 2-3 times per semester with the aim of preparing questions and material for the department board meetings. The subject councils consist of senior lecturers and professors and also have student and doctoral student representation. The subject councils also have a representative for the department's fixed-term employees.

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