During your studies
Here you will find information about support and service for students that you can benefit from during your studies.
Schedule and course literature
Our department uses Athena as a course platform for course communication. Here you will find your schedule, syllabus, course materials, assignments and more. You can access the course location on Athena when you have registered and activated your university account.
You can also find your schedule and the course literature on the university’s course and programme pages. Search for your course here.
Additional information on how to find your schedule
Study with a disability
Students with disabilities have special rights. To be able to take part in the help that the university can offer, a certificate must be formulated stating the recommended support measures you have.
Contact Service for students with disabilities well in advance of the start of studies to discuss your individual support needs and to obtain the necessary information:
Study counselling
For general study and career counselling, please see: su.se/studycounselling
For specific questions about eligibility criteria, etc., for our department’s courses and programmes, please visit Stockholm university’s web catalogue of courses and programmes. The course pages also contains information on whom to contact for additional questions.
Cheating and other disciplinary matters
At Stockholm University, presenting someone else’s text or ideas as your own is defined as plagiarism, in accordance with university regulations. This applies to all sources, including but not limited to other students’ work, academic publications, or web content, regardless of the length of the excerpt used. It is important to note that reusing your own work from previous courses without proper citation and acknowledgment – unless explicitly allowed by your examiner – is also considered plagiarism (self-plagiarism).
Additionally, any form of deceit in examinations or academic assessments is strictly forbidden. This prohibition extends to the unauthorized use of AI tools for generating text presented as original work, as well as any unauthorized collaboration on exams, whether with fellow students or external parties.
Stockholm University enforces a zero-tolerance policy on academic fraud. Consistent with the policies of all departments within the university, any reasonable suspicion of cheating must be reported to the Stockholm University Disciplinary Committee, chaired by the Vice Chancellor, as mandated in Chapter 10 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). The Committee has the authority to take disciplinary actions.
Should the Committee identify an act of cheating, the consequences can range from a warning to a suspension from the university for up to six months. Decisions made by the Committee will be communicated to the involved student, the head of the department, the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN), the Stockholm University Library, and other relevant parties. including any other departments where the student is enrolled.
A suspension entails a prohibition from participating in any educational activities at Stockholm University, including instruction, examinations, and library access. Suspended students may also be required to repay any disbursed student loans, as the suspension is considered an interruption in their studies. Decisions regarding warnings or suspensions are subject to appeal in a public administrative court.
To prevent accidental cheating, it is crucial for students to be well-versed with the rules of examination and practice diligence in scientific referencing methods.
For more information, see the links on Athena. If you are unsure of what applies, ask the course convener!
Discontinuation of studies, study breaks and resumption of studies
Discontinuation of studies
If you want to discontinue studying then you are obliged to notify the department at the earliest. Discontinuation of studies begins from the date of notification. You cannot retroactively register discontinuation of studies if you cannot provide evidence of earlier notification regarding the same. Registration of discontinuation of studies within three weeks after course start means that you have not taken the course/program at all, and you can apply again the usual way. If you register discontinuation of studies three weeks after course start then you can still continue studies at a later time depending on availability of place/seat.
If you have not notified discontinuation of studies, or if application for study break has been rejected and still choose to take a break, then you must apply for re-admission for each semester within the framework of the program’s examination rights. Approval of study break and resumption of studies implies that completion of the program is guaranteed within the framework of the program’s examination rights. This guarantee is only valid for the semester/semesters for which your application has been approved.
Discontinuing individual course or/and program
Discontinuation from an elective must be registered with the program administrator at studentexpeditionen@ekohist.su.se furnishing the following information:
- Given name and surname
- Social security number
- Start date of discontinuation (yy-mm-dd – earliest date of registration)
- Details of the discontinued elective/electives
If you have taken a CSN study loan then you are obliged to register with CSN, failing which you are liable to receive repayment claims. You can print out a valid study/merit certificate via the portal Digital tools and services.
Study breaks
Application for study break must be completed and sent to studentexpeditionen@ekohist.su.se with the following information:
- Given name and surname
- Social security number
- Reasons for study break
- Study break start date and end date (for whole term or for specific dates)
- Date for resuming studies (for whole term or for specific dates)
- Details of the course/program falling within the study break.
If you are not sure how long you will be taking the study break then provide a provisional date. Study breaks are approved for a maximum of one year at a time on the condition that we can guarantee a place/seat in the program.
Resumption of studies
In order to ensure your study place/seat in the program after the study break, applications for the resumption of studies must be sent (via e-post) latest by April 1 for the Fall Semester and October 1 for the Spring Semester. Applications sent after these dates may result in not securing a place/seat and consequently resumption of studies not being approved.
Those who have not registered study break in advance can continue studies on return depending on availability of place/seat.
Higher Education Regulation (Högskoleförordningen)
The Högskoleförordningen (1993:100) states that in individual cases, and if there are special reasons, an institution of higher education can decide that the admitted person can continue studies after study break. The Universitets- och högskolerådets (University and Higher Education Council) ordinance clarifies:
4 § Special reasons to be able to continue studies after study break can be social, medical reasons, or other special circumstances like care of sick child, military or civic services, student union duties.
Special reasons can also be temporary probationary employment according to 12 § lagen (2012:332) and armed forces employment or service in the Armed Forces of the employed who periodically serves as squad leader, soldier or sailor under this ordinance (HSVFS 2012:8).
5 § The higher education institution’s decision to permit a student continue studies after study break shall be for a fixed period of time.
A decision that a student can continue studies after study break may be conditional to notification before the time when the studies shall continue.
Those who have not registered study break in advance can continue with studies upon return, subject to availability of place/seat.
Course administrator / Administrative Directior of Studies
- Visiting address
Room A 972, A-huset, plan 9
- Office hours
Visiting by appointment
- Phone hours
Available from 2/8
Course administrator - exchange studies
- Visiting address
Room A980, A-huset, plan 9
- Office hours
Tuesday 10.00-12.00, 13.00-15.00 and Thursday 10.00-12.00, 13.00-15.00
Last updated: February 21, 2024
Source: Department of Economic History and International Relations