
This page is a complement to Stockholm University's employee website for employees at the Department of Geological Sciences.


New at IGV?

Checklist starting/ending employment at IGV (78 Kb)

Secondary employment

Secondary employment means any activity alongside a staff member’s work that cannot be regarded as part of his or her private life. Secondary employment can be either paid or unpaid.

Employees should report secondary employment in the HR system Primula.
Teachers should do this continuously and on their own initiative. Other employees are only required to report secondary employment in Primula, if the employer requests it.

Lecture halls booking system

You can book IGV lectures halls through this link.


Here you can find information about working hours, illness and medical care, different types of leave, holidays and insurance and pension.


Insurance and Pension

Occupational health care services


Wellness and wellness benefit


Department's finances

Working environment, Lab safety & Risk Assessment

Department's finances, Policy documents & other documents


Environmental action plan, reports and travel statistics for IGV

IGV environmental action plan document is only available in Swedish: Miljöhandlingsplan (95 Kb)

Environmental survey IGV 2021 (1114 Kb)

Travel statistics

IGV number of one-way flights 2015-2021 (85 Kb)

IGV total kg CO2e from flights 2015-2021 (96 Kb)

Travel and meetings

Travel and meeting policy for Stockholm University
Digitala möten och videokonferenser vid universitetet (page only available in Swedish)

Purchase and procurement

  • Purchase and procurement are among the university activities with the largest environmental imprint. Therefore it is important to make environmentally good choices when purchasing. The document Regler för inköp och upphandling (Rules for purchase and procurement, only in Swedish) states that the University's Environmental Policy applies to all purchases and procurement. Information in English about procurement.
  • Upphandlingshandboken (The Procurement handbook, only in Swedish) has information on environmental and social requirements (Miljökrav och sociala krav) to prioritize in procurement.
  • Since January 2023 we have a policy for sustainable meals at IGV. The policy applies to catering as well as restaurant visits. Policy for sustainable meals at IGV (170 Kb) .

Laboratory work

Energy saving

To save energy, please remember to always:

  • Turn off the lights when you leave your office for lunch and meetings.
  • Turn off screens and machines and unplug chargers not in use.
  • In the laboratory, keep the fume hoods closed when not in use.
  • Consider the energy efficiency when buying new electrical equipment.

Information for Researchers

Here you can find advice, support, service as a researcher at Stockholm University.

EU project

What is special about EU projects? The special thing about EU projects is that they legally binds the whole university to the project.

EU funding

Open access and Open data at Stockholm University

There is a requirement that peer-reviewed publications should be published in Open Access. On this page you will find some useful information regarding Open Access and Open data i Horizon 2020.

Open access and Open data

Contact information: advice, service and support for researchers

Several of the Offices within the University Administration offer their services and support to researchers at Stockholm University.

Contact information

Compilations of research funding opportunities

Funding calls



Information for PhD students

PhD handbook


Christina Jansson

is the institution's purchasing coordinator, and for any questions regarding the purchase or procurement of goods or services, Christina should be contacted.

More information about invoicing, purchase and procurement


Stockholm University has a tip line for students and staff. Here it is possible to report crimes, threats, harassment or other matters concerning security at the university. Checklists for crises can also be downloaded.

In case of emergency

The department has a local action plan if a crisis or danger should occur at the department.

Krisplan 2024–2025 (164 Kb)

Cardiac starter

A cardiac starter is located outside Krister's room S2 in floor 2. No formal training is needed to use the cardiac starter. Instructions on how to use it is attached to the machine.


Transition from Egencia to Amex GBT

From November 1, all travel must be booked via our new travel agency Amex GBT.

Book trips with Amex GBT

If you have an ongoing trip or a trip booked with Egencia in the future, you can no longer access the trip in the online booking. You will have to contact Egencia via personal service. When you contact Egencia, it is important to point out that we have changed travel agencies and therefore cannot access the online system.

Egencias personal service

Open: Monday–Friday 08.00–17.00
Telephone: 08-580 062 72 (Same number for 24h support).

Stockholm University and SJ AB have an agreement on business travel by train (information in Swedish).
Train tickets can be bought directly from SJ.

Other stuff


At medarbetarwebben you should be able to find all information for you as an employee and also information about internal training, courses and lectures in different areas.
Stockholm University medarbetarwebb
Stockholm University staff events
Stockholm University staff news


Web administrator

Stockholm University's emergency number
is available 24 hours: +46 (0)8 16 22 16 or +46 (0)8 16 42 00.

On this page