The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent.
Dual microfocus X-ray source: Mo and Cu sealed tubes simultaneously equipped and cooled by air
Shutterless PHOTON 100 CMOS detector
Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler (temperature range 80 – 400K)
CCD camera for visualization of crystals at different orientations
The recommended model for goniometer head is: HUBER 1004 or equivalent. For frequent users it is recommended to purchase own goniometer heads.
Optical microscopes Nikon SMZ-2T and Olympus SZX12 equipped with a digital camera for mounting crystals and taking photographs
APEX3 software for diffractometer control and evaluation of diffraction data
Recharge Rates
MMK users: 100 SEK/h (additional 250 SEK/h for operator assistance or training)
External users: 200 SEK/h (additional 500 SEK/h for operator assistance or training)
Commercial user: 675 SEK/h (only initial operator assistance. Additional 1000 SEK/h for further operator assistance)
Commercial users can also request assistance with evaluation of data at the rate of 1375 SEK/h.
Fee for training/configurations: MMK users 250 SEK/h, external academic users 500 SEK/h, commercial users 1000 SEK/h.
Time unit: per hour
Bookings are made through the online booking system LIMS at http://lims.mmk.su.se or contacting Ken Inge or Lars Eriksson.
Crystallographic service
We can provide the service from data collection, structure solution, structure refinement, to final CIF files. For more detailed information, please contact andrew.inge@mmk.su.se.