Conferences and seminars
Here you will find general information about our open seminar series, primarily the General seminar series in psychology. For the individual seminars, we refer to the calendar on our start page.
General seminar series in psychology
The department's research divisions collaborate in the General seminar series in psychology, where national and international researchers are invited to talk about current research topics.
The seminars take place on Wednesdays at 14-15, on site in Albano but often also with the support of Zoom. Extra seminars can take place on other days and times, including half-time seminars in the doctoral program.
The seminars will be posted in the calender
Get information through our Newsletter
The Department of Psychology has a newsletter (only in Swedish at this time) which includes information about the General seminar series in psychology. In addition, you will receive brief information about some other current events and news from the Department of Psychology. The newsletter is sent from the address
GETZ seminars
GETZ stands for "Gösta Ekman Tutorial Zeminars": Basic practical guidance in subjects relevant for researchers, teachers and more.
Seminars are organized irregularly when opportunities arise.
For more information on GETZ, please contact Professor Stefan Wiens,, eller Professor Mats E. Nilsson,
The seminars will be posted in the calender
Our Co-Head of Department Göran Kecklund is scientifically responsible for the Genreral seminar series in psychology.
Last updated: November 28, 2023
Source: Department of Psychology