
The Department Board and the Head of Department take charge of the department. The Head of Department has a Management Team to help out.

Organization chart Svefler



Department Board

The Department Board has an overall responsibility and is the highest decision-making body at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism. The Board deals with issues concerning syllabi, course literature, admission of doctoral students, budget and business plan. There are student representatives on the Department Board.

The Department Board


Management Team

The Management Team at The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism functions as an advisory body to the Head of Department and constitutes an information channel between the various activities.

The Management Team


Organizational units

The department consists of the following organizational units:


Centre for Research on Bilingualism

Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies

Swedish and Scandinavian Languages

Swedish as a Foreign Language

SAMIR is a reporting system for reporting

  • crimes
  • incidents
  • occupational injury
  • occupational illness
  • environmental deviations.

You may file a police report within the system as well.

It is open for staff and students at Stockholm University.

Crisis and continuity (SU)


The Local Council for Working Environment and Equal Conditions (RALV)

The Local Council for Working Environment and Equal Conditions at the Department of Swedish and Multilingualism (Svefler RALV) is a local council for issues concerning working environment and equal conditions. You can contact Svefler RALV with work environment and equal treatment issues concerning the department, regardless of whether you are a student or employee.

"Svefler" is short for the department's Swedish name: Institutionen för svenska och flerspråkighet.

"RALV" is short for the council's Swedish name, Lokalt råd för arbetsmiljö och lika villkor.

RALV för medarbetare (for staff)

RALV för studenter (for students)

Lokalt råd för arbetsmiljö och lika villkor, RALV

Equal treatment of students

Equal treatment of staff


Environmental work

The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism is one of many departments at Stockholm University that conducts important internal environmental work. Our environmental work is based on continuous improvement work and that environmental consideration permeates the entire operation.

Environmental representative, see The Local Council for Working Environment and Equal Conditions at the Department of Swedish and Multilingualism (Svefler RALV) > Contact.

RALV för medarbetare (for staff)

RALV för studenter (for students)

Stockholm University's environmental work

SAMIR: Safety-Working environment-Environment-Reporting system, see above under the heading Local council for work environment and equal conditions (RALV).



Head of Department
Head of administration
Director at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism
Director at the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies
Director of the subjects Swedish and Scandinavian Languages
Director of the subjects Swedish as a Foreign Language and International Students and Employees
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