Interaction sem. Data sessions together with DSV
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2023
Time: 09.30 – 12.15
Location: Room D600 (Dept Library), floor 6, building D, Södra huset, Frescati
The Interaction seminar at the Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism (Svefler), this time together with DSV (Department of Computer and Systems Sciences). The seminar will be held in English. We are grateful if you who want to attend (but not present data) let us know in advance.
We are grateful if you who want to attend (but not present data) let us know in advance. Please Email:
DSV (Department of Computer and Systems Sciences)
09.30: Welcome, presentations
09.40–10.20: Airi Lampinen
We present video data from a two-day drone challenge during which teams were invited to create a movement-based performance with an aerial drone. Broadly, we are interested in how people learn to interact with and come to make sense of this type of technology.
10.30–11.10: Azar Raoufi Masouleh
Navigating Socio-Technical Practices in Interactional Spaces in Multilingual Workplaces: A Focus on Manager-Employee Meetings
In this data session, I would like to focus on a video-recorded interaction in a multilingual company in Sweden, where many employees speak languages other than Swedish or English. Using an EMCA and MCA-inspired analysis of socio-technical practices, the discussion focuses on how one-to-one meeting between manager and employee is conducted using google translate app; and how professional/linguistic situated identities are characterized and ascribed through these practices.
11.15–11.55: Donald McMillan
We present video data from a study of older and younger adults cooking a recipe with a voice agent. The agent in question is wizarded to allow it to respond as if it was able to understand the recipe contents, and the ongoing task progression of the user. We are interested initially in how within the limited interaction with the agent the user is able to establish common ground and make this contextual understanding available to use in commands to the agent.
Discussion, until 12.15 at the latest
Last updated: October 17, 2023
Source: Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism