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Cultural Studies in English

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from the department - courses

Welcome to our department!

We look forward to welcoming you to our department. Course information, as well as other information ahead of the start of term (such as registration dates), is available on each course site.

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

Find your way on campus

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New student

During your studies

Student unions

For new international students

Pre-departure information

New in Sweden

In this course students study different ways of understanding and interpreting contemporary cultural phenomena, mainly in the form of English-language media and popular culture. The first part of the course gives an overview of the most influential theories within the field of cultural studies, sampling some ways that they have been applied to different types of texts, such as films, TV shows, and graphic novels. In the second part, the students develop a research project and write a research essay focusing on some specific cultural work or practice, independently chosen by the students.

Information on registration autumn 2024


If you are admitted and have accepted an offer of a place, please note that you also need to register in August. Registration is mandatory and will be open in Ladok for admitted students between 5 and 18 August. You need to register on time to confirm and keep your place.

Registration is done online. You can register online through Ladok if you are accepted to the course without conditions. You need to have activated your account, but please note the below information on logging into Ladok.

Ladok for students

Important: As of 1 January 2024, you must use eduID or your account on to log in to Ladok. Read more: Temporary way to log in to Ladok starting in the New Year.

If you are conditionally admitted, the conditions have to be fulfilled in order to register and start the course. Contact our Student Affairs Office when registration opens if you have questions.


After registration or before the course starts, you will get access to Stockholm university's web-based learning platform Athena where course material from teachers will be made available. You use the same login details on Athena as for your university account.
