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Psychology II – course package

The course comprises a number of modules, each 7,5 credits, of which Research Methods and Statistics, 7,5 credits, is obligatory. Students are required to choose 3 other course modules. Admission to the modules may be limited. The choice of courses is made within the first two weeks of the semester.

Psychology II is the second semester of studying psychology as a bachelor subject. It is also included as the fifth semester in the Bachelor's Programme in Personnel, Work and Organization, 180 credits. As a programme student you have three obligatory courses; Research methods and statistics, 7,5 credits, Work psychology, 7,5 credits, and Organizational psychology, 7,5 credits. 

You will need Psychology I, 30 credits, with a minimum of 22.5 credits completed, or equivalent, to be eligible.

This course is primarily taught in Swedish – a few modules will be taught in English – so you will find more information on the Swedish version of this page. For instance, there are links to the most recent versions of the course instructions for each module.