Mediestudier: Aktuella perspektiv och forskningsfrågor
Advanced level course in Cinema Studies. This course provides analytical tools for critically investigating contemporary media culture. By emphasizing "keywords", i.e. concepts, theories, and methodologies, the course offers an overview of key debates within contemporary cinema studies.
The course offers critical and analytical tools for the study of contemporary media culture. By focusing on concepts, theories and methodological perspectives in media research, the course provides an overview of the current research situation and is especially suitable for students who are planning or already writing master's theses. During the course, both traditional media (TV, press, film, radio) and the digital media culture will be studied in order to provide critical perspectives on media technological change, production and reception practices as well as the changing cultural and social significance of media. Particular attention is paid to media convergence versus media specificity, intermediality and transmedial storytelling, new forms of media use and screen cultures in transformation.
Half time pace over 10 weeks. Course taught in English only.
Lectures and seminars in Filmhuset.
As a student we expect you to get: - in-depth knowledge of central concepts and the current state of research in media research; - ability to analytically discuss contemporary media culture in theoretical and historical perspectiv.
The teaching consists of lectures and seminars as well as screenings of films and other media material.
The course is assessed through a home exam and a written assignment.
For more detailed information, see the course description.
Schema finns tillgängligt senast en månad före kursstart. Vi rekommenderar inte utskrift av scheman då vissa ändringar kan ske. Vid kursstart meddelar utbildningsansvarig institution var du hittar ditt schema under utbildningen. -
Observera att kurslitteraturen kan ändras fram till två månader före kursstart. -
Mer information
This Course is identical with the Course Code FV7317
Student Affairs Office - Master ProgrammeMaria LundinAdmission, Registration and Eligibility questions
- Avvikande mottagningstider
Closed December 23-January 2