Reading group in Sociology and Anthropology of Education


Date: Wednesday 23 October 2024

Time: 13.00 – 14.30

Location: Frescativägen 54, room 2531

Our second meeting. We discuss “On Intellectual Craftsmanship,” the Appendix to C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination, Oxford University Press, 1959: Link here.


About the Reading Group 

A friendly monthly reading group initiated by master students at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. For all students and researchers who share an interest in seeing education through the lens of sociology and anthropology. You are welcome to participate in our forthcoming presentations and discussions, as well as suggest reading and coordinate the related sessions (in English/Swedish). We meet, when possible, every last week of the month. We discuss the reading informally. Each session takes about one hour, the discussant(s) has 15 minutes to present the reading and highlight a few points for discussion in the remaining time.



Leonora Dugonjic-Rodwin: