Claim Expenses

Below you will find information on how to claim expenses and travel expenses.

Please read carefully as expenses and travel expenses are handled differently.


Expense claims

Go to Primula, and log on using your SUKAT account.

Link to Primula

Fill in the web form with the details required and hand the original receipts to Tatiana Bulavina, room C410 to complete your expense claim.

The money will be transfered to your account together with your next salary.


Claim Travel Expenses

Fill in the web form with the details required and hand the original receipts to Daniel Emanuelsson-Paulsson, room C406 to complete your expense claim.

The money will be transfered to your account together with your next salary.


Won't let you log in?

The most common reason for this is that your Swedish "personal number" (similar to national insurance number or tax registration number) is not registered in SUKAT. To register your personal number in the system please contact Baltzar Stevensson, room C532.

Sometimes it is also due to type of employment. Please contact Tatiana Bulavina, room C406, for more information on your type of employment.


Check list for expense allowances and travel bills

  • Register all information in Primula.
  • Tape original receipts on paper (A4).
  • Write in Swedish or English what the receipts concern - when they are in other languages. If they concern a trip - write From (place) - To (place).
  • Submit a separate itinerary - when visiting several places.
  • Include conference program or write purpose of travel.
  • Scan everything and upload in Primula at Note/Att.
  • Print the form (expense allowance, travel bill).
  • Submit (form + all receipts)  in paper to supervisor or appointed person to approve by her/his signature on the form or send by e-mail. In that case - enclose approval.
  • After approval submit in paper to  administration (Daniel, Tatiana, Zesi).

Note: In accordance with the regulations of Stockholm University travel bills and expense allowances older than 3 months are not accepted!

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