
On this page, you will find information relevant to all employees at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry.


In case of emergency

SU security phone: 08-16 42 00 (24-hours)

Extra number phone: 08-15 42 00

SOS Alarm phone: 112. Only in emergencies, such as urgent medical conditions or fires. 

Poison information phone: 08-33 12 31

Poison information

MMK's Crisis Management 2024. Coordinator: Lisa Hugosson.

  • Head of Department: Niklas Hedin. Phone: 08-16 24 17, 070-568 8361
  • Deputy Head of Department: Ulrika Nilsson. Phone: 08-16 23 27, 070-224 0851
  • Head of Administration: Lisa Hugosson. Phone: 08-16 14 09, 070-840 2592
  • KÖL: Helena Bergman. Phone: 08-16 12 27
  • Analytical Chemistry: Nicole Pamme. Phone: 08-16 12 91, 073-543 1753
  • Inorganic and Structural Chemistry: Ulrich Häussermann. Phone: 08-16 2390, 072-147 4378
  • Inorganic and Structural Chemistry: Xiaodong Zou. Phone: 16 23 89, 076-216 8820
  • Materials Chemistry: Aji Mathew. Phone: 08-16 12 56, 072-147 4367
  • Physical Chemistry: Mattias Edén. Phone: 08-16 12 27

For SU central crisis management, please click here for details

  • In the event of fire and risk of explosion: Evacuate and call rescue service - 112!
  • In the case of minor fire events (in Swedish Larma - Rädda - Utrym): Alarm - Rescue - Extinguish! 

Fire Safety Responsible Director (brandskyddsansvarig)

Fire Evacuation Leaders (utrymningsledare)

All Fire Evacuation Leaders at MMK are listed below. Coordinator: Ulrike Schimpf.



Employee info

You can find some information related to you as an employee at MMK below.

Click this link to read further information as an employee at Stockholm University

Sexual and other harassment is unacceptable at MMK. If harassment occurs, it should cease, so the person affected will be able to resume normal activities as soon as possible.

When an incident has occurred, and the person affected contacts someone in the department

An employee has no duty to investigate or form an opinion about the question of guilt. A subjective account by anyone about the harassment is sufficient for you to act.

  1. If anyone employed at MMK is aware of harassment occurring, that is not under investigation, this person is obliged to:
  2. Inform the person being harassed about MMK´s policy, and how seriously MMK views such incidents.
  3. Point out the policy of MMK to the person being harassed, and how seriously MMK views such incidents.

Report the incident to one of the contacts below or directly to the department head.

The contact and department head must be informed and the incident recorded, even if the person affected wishes to remain anonymous and doesn’t want to pursue the case. If the person affected wishes to remain anonymous, all persons concerned must remain anonymous.


  • The contact persons are obliged to report to the department head, who has to record the incident.
  • The contacts and department head are obliged to inform the person affected about the procedure for filing a formal complaint and what action the department and disciplinary committee will take.
  • To hear the person's accused version, the department head is obliged to interview the person privately. An agreement may be sufficient for the harassment to cease if the harassment is minor and might be attributable to a misunderstanding.
  • If the person affected wishes to pursue the case, the personnel office should be contacted to contact the students’ union when appropriate.
  • The department head is responsible for promptly communicating the complete decision of the disciplinary committee to the department board and personnel concerned. If the complaint is a student also inform the other students if the complaint wishes.

Following up

The contact or department head will meet the person affected at least three times after the disciplinary committee's decision, or a settled agreement. About one week, a month, and six months after the case is formally closed. On these occasions, the person affected should be asked:

  • Has the harassment come to an end?
  • How do you feel about the department´s response?
  • If the case was closed by an agreement, has the harassing person followed the agreement?
  • Have you been subjected to other harassment as a result of the complaint process?

If the person affected does not feel comfortable talking with the contact persons or department head, then the person may appeal directly to the personnel office of SU.

Please refer to the Harassment and victimisation guidelines published by SU centrally

Honesty, Respect and Equality

At MMK we shall meet each other in a respectful and considerate manner, based on equality. Also when we encounter problems, we shall together strive to find constructive solutions.

At MMK we will strive to:

  • Maintain an open climate in which equality issues, sex-linked values, and the norms at the department can be discussed and challenged.
  • Equal pay for equal work.
  • Equal gender representation in preparatory and decision-making bodies and in nominating committees.
  • Improve equality in formal and informal positions of power.
  • Make it easier for both male and female employees to combine work and parenthood by establishing procedures and an infrastructure at MMK to support projects with members who are on maternity/paternity leave for longer periods of time.


For questions related to laboratory and chemical saftety, please contact MMKs lab safety manager Ulrike Schimpf. 


Room: A319 (analytical chemistry cooridor)

All details are listed on the Laboratory Safety and Work Environment web page


Practical for your work

More information about communication and outreach at the department.

Production tools and templates

A useful tool to make posters, flyers, brochures, e-mails, and events according to SU standards. Requires university account to log in.

Production tools (brochures, posters, e-mails, and events)

To create documents using SU and MMK templates, please download templates from Mediabank. Requires university account to log in.

Templates for Word and PowerPoint (through SU Mediabank)

Remember to always use the department number - reference 432 - and Your Name.

Delivery address for large parcels

Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Stockholm University
Person's name
Frescativägen 8
SE 114 18 Stockholm


Stockholm University wishes to streamline the invoice management process by exchanging incoming invoices in electronic format. To comply with this, please read the information carefully. 

Invoices, payments, and e-commerce on SU central web

Invoices from Sweden:

Stockholms universitet
190 87 Rosersberg

Reference: 432 Name Nameson (Your name)

Billing address for invoices from outside of Sweden:

Dep. of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
Svante Arrhenius väg 16C
106 91 Stockholm
Reference: 432 Name Nameson (Your name)


All purchases at MMK must follow the guidelines for procurement at Stockholm University. The University's Environmental Policy applies to all procurements. If you have questions, contact:

Invitation to tender (95 Kb)

For more information please refer to the SU website on procurement

Every year we welcome exchange students and free-movers to do internships at MMK. By clicking the link you will find the MMK policy regarding enrollment to into courses and insurance requirements. If you have any questions or feel unsure on how to proceed, please contact the Chemistry Section & Student Affairs Office for guidance. You will reach them on

Policy regarding enrollment of different student categories into internship and research projects

Depending on the type of expense, different routines apply. Please refer to the article for more information. Remember to always use reference 432 (department number) and your name.

Claim Expenses

1. Keys and Access Card

(applies to everyone)
These are pre-ordered by your supervisor in cooperation with the administration.

The keys can be picked up at the Service center

2. Safety folder

(applies to everyone)
The safety folder will be placed in your mailbox or handed to your supervisor. It contains vital information about the safety and work environment at MMK. This folder must be read and the quizes need to be answered. Your supervisor will correct them. Only when you have passed, are you allowed to enter the labs.

Work environment and laboratory safety rules at MMK 2022 (1393 Kb)

3. Mailbox

(only applies to visitors staying longer than 6 months)
Your mailbox is located on the A3 or C4, depending on where you have your office and sorted by division.

4. Staff handbook

You and your workplace, SU staff handbook

5. Secondary Employment

Register your Secondary employment in Primula, and/or that you have taken part of the regulations every year. As a teacher, you shell certify that you have taken part of the regulations of Stockholm University concerning secondary employment and continuously report secondary employment at your own initiative.

Defintion and regulations concerning Secondary employment.

Take at least 4 weeks of vacation during the summer (1 June – 31 August). If you do not apply for at least four weeks of summer vacation before 15 April, you will assigned vacation from 8 July to 31 July. You may save up to 30 days of vacation, days exceeding 30 saved days, you will need to use this year. If you do not use them yourself, you will be assigned holidays in December.

Vacation plans no later than 15 April, apply in Primula

For more information, please refer to the staff handbook

Depending on the type of assistance you need there are different people to contact. 

Computer hardware and software

For questions regarding hardware and software, contact person at MMK: Peter Schymanski

SUKAT - Stockholm University Login Account

You need a username and password to log on to the internet, your computer, and other web facilities. The account is pre-ordered by your supervisor in cooperation with the administration. 

If you are missing your account login details, contact: Baltzar Stevensson or Peter Schymanski

Service Portal - Stockholm University IT support

Please contact SU's Service Portal (in Swedish Serviceportalen) for IT-related questions, as well as error reporting.

Link to Serviceportalen


Things to think of before leaving the department

  • Please return the (physical) safety folder.
  • Please leave eventual keys and your access card.
  • Please fill in and follow the instructions in the Assurance document “Leaving MMK“.

Work environment and laboratory safety rules at MMK 2022 (1393 Kb)

If you are leaving Sweden

Inform the Tax Authorities (Skatteverket) that you are leaving the country.

Link to Skatteverket

All employees at the University have their profile on the university's website. Each profile page contains basic information from the staff directory SUKAT. Users can add their image, text, and publication list from DiVA, as well as links and files. Content should be related to the user's position at Stockholm University. This page presents your biography and research at the department, please keep it updated.

Profile page instructions

Register your guest a minimum of two weeks before the person's arrival.

Log on to the Control Panel to register your new guest and or employee, you will need to be at the university to do this.

Link to Control Panel


Same as your university e-mail


Only eligible people will have the possibility to log in. Use your password, independent of SUKAT. Press recover password the first time you log in.


1. When you have logged in, in the top menu there is an icon called "Guests", click on it.
2. In the top left corner, choose "Create New"
3. Fill in the form, if there is an asterisk (*) behind, that is mandatory information you will have to fill in. Offices with shared phones are listed in the right panel.
4. Please use the field "Other information" for additional/important/"good-to-know" information.
5. Click on the "save & send"-button.

There are several facilities for 10-36 persons equipped for lectures, exams, meetings, conferences, and so on. You can see all the rooms and equipment, and make a booking in TimeEdit.

Click this link to log in to TimeEdit.


Organisational- and advisory working groups at MMK

Daniel Emanuelsson-Paulson, temporary head of team, project economist (Physical Chemistry), travel expense claims and expenses, customer invoices, SU-butiken customer number, facilities.

Annette Schlesinger, economist, responsible for supplier invoices

Ann-Sofi Pettersson, admin, human resources, personnel administration, recruitment, employment, vacation application, scholarship, reimbursement for wellness activities, information for new employees, travel expense claims.

Daniel Andersson, project economist (Materials Chemistry)

Elin Solnevik, admin, human resources, personnel administration, recruitment, employment, vacation application, scholarship, reimbursement for wellness activities, information for new employees, travel expense claims.

Jenny Hagström, Project economist (Inorganic and Structural Chemistry).

Svetlana Tornéus 

Åsa Maria Andersson, Economist and administrator, project economist (Analytical Chemistry), customer invoices, e-commerce, SU-butiken customer number. Back-up LADOK postgraduate education and supplier invoices.

Angela Westin, communication & PR, press & media, visual identity, and MMK's external website.

Peter Schymanski, administrator IT-system

Helena Bergman, head of KÖL
Niklas Hedin, head of dept MMK
Daniel Daley/Lena Mäler, deputy head and head of dept DBB
Kálmán J Szabó, head of deptorganic chemistry

The Communications Group is an advisory working group about the department's strategic communication. All members of the Communications Group 2024:

The local Council for Working Environment and Equal Conditions (RALV) at MMK is for issues concerning the working environment and equal conditions. All representatives are listed below:

Ulrike Schimpf (chair, laboratory safety coordinator)

Gunnar Svensson (fire safety responsible, equal treatment)

Mattias Edén (work environment Physical chemistry)

Mika Sipponen (researcher, safety officer)

Mirva Eriksson (deputy work environment)

Kjell Jansson (evacuation officer)

Tatiana Bulavina (administration, economy)

Kadir Abdul Karim (fire protection, deputy work environment, evacuation officer)

Zoltán Bacsik (deputy fire protection)

Andrew Ken Inge (safety officer, MACAL)

Christer Degerstedt (caretaker, evacuation officer)

Baltzar Stevensson (safety officer, environmental delegate)

Ulrika Nilsson (work environment analytical chemistry, equal treatment)

Claudia Möckel (flammable goods director, evacuation officer)

Jakob Norinder (safety officer, flammable goods director KÖL, evacuation officer KÖL)

Helena Bergman (work environment KÖL)

Carla Caponio

Matilda Andersson

Members of the Fire Safety Organisation 2024 are listed below. Fire safety responsible director and coordinator: Ulrike Schimpf

Directors of Flammable Goods (föreståndare för brandfarliga varor)

Fire Safety Controllers (brandskyddskontrollanter)

The Infrastructure Investments Group is an advisory working group about the need for, and investing in infrastructure. Members of the Infrastructure Investments Group 2024:

The Management Group is an working group for the department's daily work. Members of the Management Group 2024:

All members of the PhD Council 2024 appointed by the student union at Stockholm University:

All members of the PhD Recruitment working group 2024, PhD representatives are appointed by PhD students at the department:

All members of the Research Education working group 2024 are listed below, representatives are appointed by the PhD council:

The Strategy Group is an advisory working group for the department's strategic work. Members of the Strategy Group 2024:

All lectures teach at the undergraduate level. 


Responsible for work environment and safety

Ulrika Nilsson, prof, and deputy department director

Responsible for lab safety and security

Ulrike Schimpf, research engineer and lab safety coordinator



MMK admin team
MMK admin team
MMK admin team
Website, SUKAT, direct procurement
Chemistry Section & Student Affairs Office
MMK admin team
MMK admin
MMK IT support
MMK admin team
MMK admin team
On this page