Stockholm university

Ethnicity and social inclusion focus on questions about how symbolic constructions of "us" and "others" take shape in relation to migration, ethnic diversity, and racialization.

The research area sheds light on how categorizations are made and used, and with what consequences. Researchers working in this area focus on race, ethnicity and immigration status, and use a variety of methods and theories to uncover social processes associated with discrimination and inequality, as well as social inclusion and equality. How social inclusion and exclusion arise through categorization processes is a key question for this area. The researchers working in this field are interested to make racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and discrimination visible through their research and thereby contribute to increased equality, social inclusion and justice. Key questions taken up in this work are: What categories designate insiders and outsiders? How is inclusion and exclusion legitimized through institutional practices and shared ideologies? What characteristics leads to categorization? How are social categories adopted and expressed as political and social identities?

Related research subject

Social inclusion concept image - coloured figurines standing in group.
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Lisa Harber-Aschan


Department of Sociology
Lisa Harber-Aschan

Anna Lund

Professor of Sociology, Deputy Head of Department

Department of Sociology
Bild av Anna Lund Foto:Erik Edwardsson Richter

Eleonora Mussino

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Eleonora Mussino. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Jens Rydgren

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Jens Rydgren. Foto: Clément Morin/Stockholms universitet.

Åke Sandberg

Professor Emeritus

Department of Sociology
Åke Sandberg. Foto: Privat

Andrea Voyer

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Andrea Voyer profile pic Photo L Zoubir Stockholm University.jpg

Rosa Weber

Acting Lecturer

Department of Sociology
Rosa Weber

Ben Wilson

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Ben Wilson. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Research group

Research projects

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Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Sociology. 

Department of Sociology