Empirical Essays on Retail Logistics and Customer Behavior
Thesis defence
Date: Friday 27 January 2023
Time: 13.00 – 15.00
Location: Room 4204 in House 3, Campus Albano (Albanovägen 29), Stockholm University
Public Defence of Doctoral Thesis: Christoph Baldauf
Retail logistics is responsible for making products available to end customers. Traditionally, this was facilitated through a network of brick and mortar stores that customers visit to buy items. However, the advent of online and omnichannel retail started to challenge this established system. Modern-day customers increasingly buy a product not solely for its features but also for how, and how fast, the item is delivered and/or returned. Such customer behavior shows that retail logistics often is the decisive factor when searching for, purchasing, and using goods and services. Consequently, logistics performance has become increasingly important for marketing performance.
Read the dissertation Empirical Essays on Retail Logistics and Customer Behavior
Professor Bino Catasús, Stockholm Business School (SBS), Stockholm University
Professor Jan Fransoo, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Examination Committee
Associate Professor Pedro Sanches Amorim, Porto Business School & Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Professor Sara Rosengren, Department of Marketing and Strategy, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden
Associate Professor Sara Jonsson, SBS, Stockholm University
Associate Professor Olov Isaksson, SBS, Stockholm University Associate Professor Fredrik Eng Larsson, SBS, Stockholm University
Last updated: January 10, 2023
Source: SBS