
Stockholm Business School has different types of collaborations in that we are members of various international organizations and networks. We also have collaborations to support and develop sustainable entrepreneurship.


Stockholm Business School is a member of and supports several associations and organisations that aim to facilitate the further development of research, education, networking and international collaborations within the area of business administration.

AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
A global, nonprofit membership organization of educational institutions, businesses, and other entities devoted to the advancement of management education.

An international network for researchers and teachers within Business Administration. Over 40.000 members who represent more than 90 universities, business schools and research institutes. The main purpose of this network is to facilitate collaboration among members and to create a platform for interaction and exchange of information.  

European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)
An interest organisation for business schools around the world, in particular for schools in Europe. EFMD is one of two renowned actors that award business schools with accreditations. The EFMD accreditation system is called EQUIS, European Quality Improvement System.

The Nordic Academy of Management
The Nordic Academy of Management (NAM) promotes research, education and praxis in the area of business administration within the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Island, Norway and Sweden). It supports Nordic networks, conferences and workshops as well as the education of researchers and teachers. Every other year NAM organises a conference in one of the Nordic countries.

Wing Lung Bank International Institute for Business Development, Hong Kong (IIBD)
An international consortium comprised of 18 member universities in Australia, Canada, Sweden, Thailand, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the UK, the US & China. IIBD’s mission is to facilitate the growth and development of international business education activities through the cooperation and joint ventures with its global network.

Principles for Responsible Management Education - PRME
Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a UN-supported initiative founded in 2007 with the aim of enhancing the sustainability profile in business education. PRME engages business schools and universities to ensure that they equip future leaders with the skills needed to balance economic, environmental, and social goals, while also drawing attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligning academic institutions with the work of the UN Global Compact.
Read more about the PRME principles


Stockholm Business School (SBS) offers a capacity building program in sustainable urban planning in Ukraine, called "Rethinking Cities in Ukraine." The program is funded by the Swedish Institute Public Sector Innovation Program (SIPSIP) and is conducted in collaboration with the Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine and local academic partners in Ukraine.

The main objective of the program is to enhance the capacity and competence of decision-makers from five Ukrainian municipalities heavily affected by the war and located along the frontlines. Participants receive support in developing pilot projects to address specific local challenges and promote sustainable development.

Read more about Rethinking Cities in Ukraine (Swedish)

For information please contact:
Ragnar Lund, Director Capacity building program- Rethinking Cities in Ukraine



The Academy of Management Accounting and Control in Central Government (AES) is a forum for thoughtful dialogues examining how the state should be governed. Through AES, researchers and representatives from governmental agencies harness evidence-based management techniques to expand and deepen knowledge on effective governance.

The Academy of Management Accounting and Control in Central Government is a meeting place for anyone who has a genuine interest in questions of government.

Read more about The Academy of Management Accounting and Control in Central Government (AES)








The Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF) is a collaboration between Stockholm Business School (SBS), the Institute for International Economics Studies (IIES), and the Department of Economics (ECON).

Its core aim is to promote the training and research of PhD-candidates in the money-finance area and, more generally, to foster a lively and internationally leading research environment in these fields.

Read more about The Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF)


Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES) is an academic co-operation in innovation and entrepreneurship between Stockholm University, Stockholm School of Economics, Karolinska Institute, Konstfack (university college of arts, crafts, design), The Royal College of Music and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

The collaboration gives students admitted to a master programme, access to a range of courses based on these institutions’ expertise and competence within innovation and entrepreneurship and an opportunity to collaborate with students from the other schools.

To be able to apply for SSES courses on, you have to be admitted to a Master Program at Stockholm University (SU) or admitted to Kandidatprogramet i Företagsekonomi, Bachelor program Global Management, Bachelor's programme in International Business and Politics.


You need to have completed at least 120 higher education credits and be admitted to any of the programs stated above. The ranking and selection of students is made based on the number of Higher Education Credits earned (ECTS/hp). Maximum 270 ECTS can be included.

Explore more

Regardless level and previous studies, all SU students and SU alumnis have the possibility to join SSES forward-looking bootcamps and workshops! A great way to expand your mind and diversify your network!

You can easily apply to these events on SSES web page. 


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