
Are you employed at Stockholm Business School? Here you will find information about your employment and your work.


SBS intranet

The SBS Intranet contains all the information you need to know as an employee of SBS. Among other things, you will find protocol from the School Board and committees.

Log in SBS intranet

The SBS intranet is located on a platform called Confluence. You log in with your university account. Confluence is behind the university's firewall, you need to connect via VPN to be able to log in. (FortiClient  for PC or Wireguard for Mac).


In the event of a serious incident, get in touch and inform the nearest section leader or head of department. It can also be good to inform about situations that can develop into a serious crisis and therefore need to be covered.

In an emergency

More information and contacts (Staff)

Checklists for handling harassment, accidents or threats and violence (Staff)


Security guards SU at Albano: 08-16 22 17
Security guards SU after office hours: 08-16 42 00

Occupational health care, Feelgood: 08-676 82 00 (8.00-17.00)

Student Health Services


Defibrillators are located in public areas on floors 2, 3 and 4 of House 2, Campus Albano.

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