You find information about all education at Stockholm Business School here. You will also find all information you need when you are a student at Stockholm Business School.
Teaching at Stockholm Business School is based on research. Our teachers are researchers.
Register for the new semester in your program
As a program student at the undergraduate level you must either register for your courses via or respond to a survey from SBS before each semester. Register by Oct 15 for the upcomning semester.
FAQ - frequently asked question
Here you find answers to some of the most common questions we usually get from students.
FAQ for master students
Here you find the most common questions prospective students wonder about when applying for Master program at SBS.
SBS Code of Conduct
SBS has developed a code of conduct for how students are expected to approach their studies and behave towards peers, teachers, administrative staff and as representatives of Stockholm University.
Courses at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES)
Find information about workshops and courses at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. The courses are held in the evening in English and open for students admitted to a master program at SU.
Welcome to Stockholm Business School
Discover the library, the Academic Writing Service, your rights and responsibilities, and other resources.
Do you come from another country and are interested in studying at Stockholm Business School? Here you will find information about visas, residence permits, banking, insurance and so forth.
Stockholms universitet arrangerar aktiviteter med koppling till Nobelpriset i samarbete med Nobelprismuseet. Årets Nobel Calling infaller 4-14 oktober. Då kan du bland annat besöka två labb på universitet samt lyssna på forskare som talar om att knäcka koder samt om kopplingen mellan AI och klimat.
Online and omnichannel retail led to changes in customer behavior that speak to the relevance of logistics. Therefore, logistics has moved from being a back-office operation to sitting at the forefront of retailers´ service offerings.
The autumn semester has now begun, and Stockholm Business School welcomed over 1,000 newly admitted students with an Orientation Session in Aula Magna on September 2nd.
Paul Milgrom, professor at Stanford, gave a keynote speech at the Summer School in Market Microstructure that was hosted by Stockholm Business School in July 2024.