During your studies

The library can support you when you are searching for information for your studies. You can watch the library's videos or attend our tutoring in information seeking.

On this page, we have compiled the library’s videos and suggestions for how you can get started with your information seeking, including which search services you can use and how you can use search terms to get best results. If you would like more help, you are welcome to book tutoring in information seeking.

Students in Bergdahlsrummet at the University Library
Photo: Lena Katarina Johansson

Attend tutoring in information seeking

As a student at Stockholm University you can get help with information seeking at the library's Search Hub. The Search Hub offers tutorials in information seeking via Zoom and at the Library.

We offer the following:

  • Guidance in information seeking and source evaluation
  • Advice in setting up your search strategy for your degree project
  • Tips on choice of search terms in Swedish and English
  • Support in searching in relevant databases

For contact e-mail bokabibliotekarie@su.se

Drop-in tutoring in information seeking via Zoom

The Zoom room for information seeking tutorials is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 12-13.

At certain times, there may be a queue and the tutor will allow you to enter the Zoom room as soon as it is free. Note that the tutorial time is a maximum of 20 minutes. When you have received the support you need, you can continue information seeking on your own, and if any new questions arise, you are welcome back to the tutorial for further help.

Welcome to join!

Drop-in at Stockholm University Library

The library offers tutoring in information seeking at the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-13. You will find the the Search Hub on the entrance floor next to the Printer room. For enquiries, please contact the information desk.




Search for material for your thesis

When writing a thesis, you must search for previous research. You can find a large number of databases to search in through the library. Below, we have compiled tips on where and how you can begin your information seeking.

For students at SU, there is a self-study course in information seeking in Athena. The aim of the course is to give you effective strategies for searching and finding scholarly texts. We also give tips on how to assess whether or not a text is scholarly, and how to cite your sources when writing a scholarly paper yourself. Expect the course to take about 45 minutes to complete in full.

How to search for the library's self-study course in Athena

Three databases that you can use when you start searching for previous research for your thesis or assignment are:

The tab "Articles" on the library's start page

Google scholar


You can find more databases through Databases A-Z on the library's website.

The Library Article Search Service (EBSCO Discovery) is a search tool where you can search for scholarly articles in a large number of databases simultaneously. Here you will also find e-books, reports, videos, and other material. The search service includes both library-subscribed material and freely available material (open access). You can access the search service on the library's homepage by selecting the Articles tab.

Search box for articles on the library start page

Read more about the library article search service here.

You can find scholarly articles through the article tab in the library's search box. The film gives an introduction to this database.



When searching for information, it is important to consider which search terms to use. By combining search terms in different ways, you can both reduce and increase the number of search results you get in the databases. The most common way to do this is by using so called Boolean operators. You can learn how to do a Boolean search in this video from John M. Pfau Library (California State University).

To find relevant terms, you can start from your thesis question. Choose the most relevant keywords from your question and use these as search words. Here is a video from University of Houston Libraries with tips on what to think of when choosing your keywords.

The library offers access to a new search tool called Keenious, which is available to all students and employees at Stockholm University.

More information about Keenious.

When you search for information for your thesis, you need to consider if the sources you find are relevant and useful for you. For example, how can you know that the article you have found is a scholarly article? We have compiled six questions to help you evaluate and think critically about the information you find.




With help of a reference management software, you can organise your references and insert references and bibliography, according to any chosen reference style when you are writing. Using reference management software can facilitate your work when writing a thesis or assignment.

In this film we show you what reference management software can help you with.


(Video in Swedish with English subtitles.)

More information about different reference management software programmes


Students who wish to publish their thesis in full-text, or who have questions on registering or publishing in DiVA, should always contact their department. Not all departments approve that student theses are published online.

Log in to the DiVA registration form.


The cost of publication for a research article based on a Master/Bachelor thesis might be covered by one of the University Library’s publishing agreements. Please contact us, openaccess@su.se, if you are considering submitting your thesis to a scientific journal. On the staff pages the Publication agreements of Stockholm University Library is listed.

Publication agreements of Stockholm University Library



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