Colloquium ICER: International and Comparative Education Research
Date: Monday 9 May 2022
Time: 13.00 – 15.00
Location: Location: Sal 1708, IPD, Frescativägen 54 and Zoom
Colloquium Program Spring 2022. All sessions are in Stockholm time.
Names: Associate Professor Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg Stockholm University and Professor Elina Lahelma University of Helsinki
Title: How to apply a comparative case study approach in the field of higher education research: examples from working with gender inclusion in Finish and Swedish teacher education.
Location: Sal 1708, IPD, Frescativägen 54 and Zoom.
Link to article:
Biographical: Elina Lahelma is Professor Emerita at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Education. She has acted as leader in many Nordic projects aiming to include gender perspectives into teacher education.
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg is associate professor in International and Comparative Education at Stockholm University. She has worked with gender inclusion in higher education both in her research and through applied work in higher education teaching.
Chair: Professor Meeri Hellstén
All welcome!
ICER Colloquium Pgm ST22 (49 Kb)
Last updated: April 19, 2022
Source: Department of Education