Elina Lahelma will visit IPD


Start date: Monday 9 May 2022

Time: 00.01

End date: Tuesday 10 May 2022

Time: 23.59

Location: Department of Education

Elina Lahelma is Professor Emerita at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Education.

On Monday and Tuesday next week (9-10 may) Elina Lahelma will visit IPD. Elina is Professor Emerita at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Education. Elina’s focus of research is in the fields of sociology of education and gender studies in education. Elina has acted leader in projects aiming to include gender perspectives into teacher education. She has conducted analysis of gender equality in educational policies, curriculum and school textbooks, ethnographic studies in secondary schools, and longitudinal life history research on young people's transitions into adulthood.

On Monday Elina will guest the ICER Colloquium, at 13-15, in 1708; more information here: https://www.su.se/department-of-education/calendar/colloquium-icer-international-and-comparative-education-research-1.606093

On Tuesday she will take part in CeUL:s event on Gender and Equality in Higher Education Teaching https://www.su.se/ceul/utbildning/högskolepedagogisk-temadag/om-genus-och-jämställdhet-i-undervisningen-1.599416

You are welcome to join us over a cup of coffee after the colloquium on Monday if you want to meet.

All the best

Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg