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Gendering Global Political Economy: Contemporary and Historical perspectives.

The course provides a critical, international and inter-disciplinary overview of the role of gender, gender representations and gender relations of inequality in Global Political Economy.

The two specific objectives in this module are:

(1) deepening of students’ theoretical understanding of the concept of gender in the field of global political economy (GPE), today and in the past; and

(2) a critical assessment of some essential themes in which the field of global political economy has moved into the critique of gender: from women in work, production and consumption to the theme of social reproduction; from migration, prostitution, trafficking and women the informal economy, to issues in military labour and the discursive construction of “libidinal economies”.

The students taking this course will gain the knowledge to critically evaluate the changing nature of gender critiques, as well as to critically examine a number of gender issues driving the world economy today.

The whole course is framed by a strong background in global political economy (GPE) and deep historical and critical perspective on gender.

  • Course structure

    Learning outcomes

    For a passing result on the course, the student must be able to: 

    • Demonstrate a critical and in-depth understanding of how historical and contemporary dimensions of global political economy (GPE) can be understood from a gender perspective.
    • Have acquired advanced knowledge of various aspects of the impact of gender relations on a range of case studies, applying an interdisciplinary approach to issues of GPE and gender.
    • Understand and critically examine gender-related literature within GPE.
    • Demonstrate intellectual and communicative skills, including the ability to understand and problematize advanced concepts and theories, use primary and secondary sources, present arguments in written and verbal form, and exhibit a critical approach through independent learning.

    Classes, Teaching Format, and Attendance Requirements

    The teaching comprises lectures and seminars, both teacher-led and student-led, organised around various themes within gender and the global political economy. These themes include labour, production, reproduction, migration, consumption, militarism, development, sexuality, and more. 

    The teaching consists of lectures and seminars (the latter both teacher-led and student-led), organised around various themes within gender and the global political economy. These themes include labour, sexuality, production, reproduction, migration, consumption, militarism, development, and more.

    All teaching is conducted in English.

    Attendance at seminars is mandatory. In case of absence, supplementation is made in accordance with the course manager's instructions. No more than a quarter of the seminars can be compensated.

    For more detailed information, please refer to the course description. The course description is available on Stockholm University's teaching and collaboration platform (Athena) at least one month prior the start of the course.


    Mandatory attendance.

    Written assignments throughout the course, including a final assignment.

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    Valid from 2023 


    • Bhattacharya, Tithi (ed.) (2017). Social reproduction theory. Remapping class, recentering oppression. London: Pluto Press. (Majority of the book. Available as e-book at SU library):

    For articles and single chapters, see the course description.

  • Contact

    For general enquiries regarding applications, registration, and more:

    Contact the Department's Master's Student Office:


    For enquiries regarding the course content:

    Contact the course convenor, Fia Cottrell-Sundevall