Stockholm university
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Master's Programme in Human Geography

The programme deals with the world, its peoples, their communities and cultures, and studies their relations, where space and place are central concepts. Students can specialize in research fields such as landscape studies, population geography, migration, economic geography and urban processes.

This programme aims at deepening and broadening the student’s knowledge of different fields in Human Geography.

Human Geography is the discipline about society and its geography. A geographical perspective involves considering relations of proximity and distance and to explore geographical patterns. There is a strong tradition in Human Geography research work to study societal matters in different places and regions in the world. This discipline is a framework to pursue broad studies and it gives opportunities to specialize in deep and detailed studies.

The research in the Department of Human Geography concentrates on four research profiles: The Stockholm Urban and Regional Research Environment (SURE), Historical Geography and Landscape Studies, The Population Geography Resarch Group, and Urban Africa.


Sergels torg, Stockholm. Photo: Anders Rickegård, Stockholm University.