ICER Colloquium: International and Comparative Education Research
Date: Thursday 10 November 2022
Time: 13.00 – 15.00
Location: IPD 1607, Frescativägen 54, level 6 (seating is limited), via Zoom
Colloquium Program Autumn 2022
Name: Brian Denman & Meeri Hellstén
Title: On Equitable Quality in Higher Education: on judgement, evaluation and assessment.
Biographical: Associate Professor Denman (UNE) is a visiting scholar at IPD, funded by the Wenner Gren Foundations and hosted by ICER during 2021-2022. Together with Prof Hellstén and scholars at the University’s faculty development, they are conducting a pilot study on alternative complements in academic assessment to foster 21st Century skills development for ease of transition between study and work.
Readings: available upon request
Chair: Professor Meeri Hellstén
All welcome!
Last updated: October 6, 2022
Source: IPD