Study plan for PhD students

The framework for doctoral education is given by the general syllabus for the subject. The education at this level is highly specific to the research programme conducted by the doctoral student. Therefore, each doctoral student must have an individual study plan (ISP). In connection with the annual revision of the study plan, the doctoral student has a development review.

At approximately the half-way point in the PhD programme, you should meet the requirements for a Licentiate degree of 120 credits, with a course- and dissertation-part corresponding to 30-60 and at least 60 credits, respectively.

Licentiate seminar

Read more on the general study plans for the subject



Annual development review

Once a year the supervisor group, comprising one or several supervisors and a mentor, and the PhD student should have a development meeting. Any one of these persons can call this meeting and the student may call any other person to the meeting, e.g. the director of postgraduate studies or another PhD student. The mentor has a right to participate. The first development meeting should take place as soon as possible after admission to PhD studies in order to have a first ISP ready within 2 months of the starting date.

The procedure for the development review and revision of the individual study plan is found below.

Development meeting template



The individual study plan (ISP)

The first ISP should be completed within two months from the start of the education and revised annually. The study-plan can be accessed by logging in to The new/revised individual study plan contains planning of courses, research projects, and study funding as well as the following attachments (free text):

  1. a research plan, with a list of finished projects and a description of planned projects that form part of the dissertation work and
  2. a time schedule for the coming year (research work, courses, teaching, conferences, vacations etc.)
  3. a document showing how the education fulfills the general goals for a PhD in Sweden (download the form at the link below).
  4. The students summary of the Annual development review

Students, who wants to report on the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, can use the following attachement:

Students, who wants to report on prolongation due to special commitments, are encouraged to append:

Instructions on how to complete the ISP can be found here:

dISP-instructions (1001 Kb)

The new/revised individual curriculum, with attachments, consisting of the agreements that have been made during the meeting, should be signed by the supervisors, the PhD student and the mentor and handed in to the subject responsible (Sten Hellman) for approval, who will forward it to the director of postgraduate studies for the archive.

Read more and download relevant forms (in Swedish).

Note that doctoral positions are prolonged for one/two years at a time. In order to get the appointment prolonged for another year it is required that the individual curriculum has been updated. Therefore, don’t forget to remind your supervisor about the development conversation in due time before your appointment expires.

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