Early-Life Exposure to Cigarette Smoking and Adult and Old Age Mortality


Date: Wednesday 1 June 2022

Time: 13.30 – 14.30

Location: Lecture room 29, House 4, level 2 at Campus Albano

Jonas Helgertz, of University of Minnesota and Lunds universitet, will give a talk on “Early-Life Exposure to Cigarette Smoking and Adult and Old Age Mortality: Evidence from U.S. Linked Full-Count Census and Mortality Data”.


This article exploits variation in maternal exposure to cigarette smoking brought about by the implementation of state-level cigarette taxation across the United States during the first half of the 20th century. Our results based on analyses of mortality records linked to the 1930 and 1940 U.S. Censuses indicate that fetal exposure to the implementation of state cigarette taxation induced a statistically significant but quantitatively moderate increase in overall life expectancy about two months of additional life.


Photo: Pixabay.com