During your studies

FAQ for students affected by the war in Ukraine

Due to the war in Ukraine, there are a lot of questions from affected students about the possibilities to apply for studies or continue their studies at Stockholm University. To address these questions, Stockholm University has made an FAQ page that will be updated regularly.

FAQ for students affected by the war in Ukraine


Credit transfer

Please use the Credit transfer form (200 Kb) which can be filled in electronically, and send it by email to studievagledare.publichealth@su.se. Attach a transcript of records, a course syllabus and course description to your application.

Please note that your application, when approved, cannot be withdrawn.

Find out more about Credit transfer at Stockholm University Student pages


When you apply for our "Master's programme in public health sciences: Societal and individual perspectives" (PHSIP) you choose between the two tracks offered; Societal perspectives on public health, and Individual perspectives on public health.

If you are enrolled in the Master's programme but wish to change track, there is a possibility to do so in the Spring term, in the period 5 - 19 April. Please note that the applications are approved on a 'first come, first served principle', and that there are a limited number of places available. More information will be provided on Athena closer to the date.


Leave and discontinuation of studies

If you are enrolled in a study programme, you may apply for leave of absence from studies if you have valid reasons to get the study leave approved. Please find more infomation in the sections below.

Please use the application form to apply fo leave of absence from Master's programme in public health sciences: Societal and individual perspectives, 120 ECTS.

Leave of studies form (201 Kb)

In accordance with Chapter 7 Section 33 of the Higher Education Ordinance, a student may be permitted to take a temporary leave of absence from studies in certain circumstances. If a leave of absence is approved in advanced, the student in question has the right to resume studies at the end of the agreed period. A leave of absence may be extended upon application if the conditions for leave still apply.

Conditions for an approved leave of absence from studies are regulated in the Statute Book of the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHRFS) §3, §4 and §5.

Before applying for a leave of absence, students are advised to consult the department's study counsellor. Students with a visa for studies in Sweden are also strongly advised to contact Migrationsverket for information on how a leave of absence may impact on their right to remain in the country. Students on leave are also responsible for notifying e.g. financing agencies such as CSN of changes to their study situation.

Returning to studies after a leave of absence

Students on leave should notify the study counsellor of their intent to return to studies at least one month in advance of the planned return. NB: For a return to the thesis course in the Spring semester, notification is required no later than September 15th!

If you are unable to continue your studies and do not intend to complete a course or a programme, it is important that you de-register to confirm that you are no longer active.

You de-register in Ladok, and if this is done within three weeks from the course or programme has started you can apply to the same course or programme again in the future.


Plagiarism, self-plagiarism and cheating is not allowed at Stockholm University, and it is important that you follow the rules and regulations concerning these matters. All suspicion of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and cheating is reported to the Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University who will decide if the matter should be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.
Guidelines for Disciplinary Matters at Stockholm University

Regulations for written seated examination

Stockholm University has rules for written seated examinations, in order for the examination to be carried out in a legally secure manner. It is important that you as a student take part of these rules before your first written seated examination takes place.

Regulations for written seated examination

Stockholm University Student Union (SUS) have compiled information for students at Stockholm University, who need to know more about what will happen in a case of suspicion of cheating and plagiarism.

More information to be found at SUS' website


As an enrolled student with a documented disability – regardless of whether you are studying at bachelor's, master's or PhD level – you can apply for special pedagogical support in connection with your studies at Stockholm University.

The assessment of support that may be required is made individually, taking into account your abilities and disabilities in relation to the curriculum of the studies you have chosen.

How to apply for special pedagogical support:

Support for students with disabilities

You are also advised to contact the study counsellor at our department well ahead of time in order to get help with planning your studies at Stockholm University.


Our vision at the Department of Public Health Sciences is to offer all students a stimulating study environment with good learning conditions. The Department of Public Health Sciences should be an open and welcoming environment where all students, teachers and other members of the staff are treated equally, met with respect and have equal rights and opportunities regardless of ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender, transgender identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, social background or age.

If a student perceives to have been a victim of harassment or discrimination, this will be handled in accordance with Stockholm University's "Plan for Equal Rights and Opportunities".

Harassment and victimisation



Our study councellor will help you with general questions about studying at Stockholm University, studying with a disability, or other practical matters. When you contact us by email - please remember to state your personal information and which course you run. This will facilitate the handling of your case.

Study counselling

You are welcome to contact the study counsellor at our department if you are interested in studying with us, or if you are a student at our department and have questions and concerns regarding your education or study situation.
The study counsellor is also our department’s contact person for students with disabilities. Office hours by appointment.

Study counsellor
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