Welcome to the Department of Public Health Sciences!
The Department of Public Health Sciences comprises a wide field of research on public health. The Department was created in 2018, when Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS) merged with Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD), a merger that strengthened social science research on public health at Stockholm University.
SoRAD's research has been focused on alcohol, drugs and gambling. Research at CHESS has examined how social factors as well as societal structures and processes contribute to ill health and disease. Both have also received major, competitive funding from the leading research financiers in the field.
On November 10th, Josephine Jackisch will defend her thesis "Troubled childhoods cast long shadows: Studies of childhood adversity and premature mortality in a Swedish post-war birth cohort"
Devy Lysandra Elling defends her doctoral thesis "Intervening in a social world: An evaluation of an alcohol prevention programme in a Swedish workplace context".