Stockholm university

Research subject Play, Care, Development and Learning in Preschool, School and School age educare

In the area, children and young people are studied in different cultural, social and spatial contexts such as family, preschool, school, leisure center, association life and other institutional contexts.

This includes education and policy-making processes with children and young people as the target group, as well as how children and young people create meaning around such processes in their everyday lives and thus shape their own lives and conditions as well as their own participation and identity work.

In the area, play, aesthetic learning processes, teaching, pedagogical and didactic methods as well as how they are affected by and affect children's and young people's development and learning are both investigated and developed. Children and young people are thus studied both as actors with the opportunity to influence and as dependent on the structures and contexts in which they find themselves.

Related research subject

Child and Youth Research
Lärare och elever vid målarstativ. Foto Wavebreakmedia, Mostphotos.
On this page


Fanny Ambjörnsson


Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Fanny Ambjörnsson. Foto: Eva Dalin.

Lena Aronsson


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Lena Aronsson_02_mindre

Wiji Bohme Shomary


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Wiji Bohme Shomary

Nihad Bunar


Department of Special Education
Nihad Bunar

Klara Dolk


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Klara Dolk. Foto: Niklas Björnling

Sofia Frankenberg


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Bild Sofia Frankenberg

Sofia Grunditz


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Sofia Grunditz

Anneli Hippinen Ahlgren


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Anneli Hippinen Ahlgren. Photo: Niklas Björling.

Linnéa Holmberg


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Linnéa Holmberg

Eva Kane


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Eva Kane. Foto: Niklas Björling

Susanne Kjällander


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Susanne Kjällander. Foto: Björn Dalin.

Hillevi Lenz Taguchi


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Hillevi Lenz Taguchi. Photo: Björn Dalin.

Anne-Li Lindgren


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Bild på Anne-Li Lindgren

Anna-Lena Ljusberg


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Anna-Lena Ljusberg. Photo: Niklas Björling.

Tove Nilsson Gerholm

Senior lecturer, Docent

Department of Linguistics
Tove Gerholm

Eric Pakulak

Associate professor

Department of Psychology
Eric Pakulak

Anna Palmer

Universitetslektor, Docent

Department of Child and Youth Studies
Anna Palmer

Johanna Unga


Department of Child and Youth Studies
Johanna Unga. Photo: Niklas Björling.

Dilara Yildirimdemir


Department of Special Education

Anna Åkerfeldt


Department of Teaching and Learning
Anna Åkerfeldt

Research group

Research projects