Ali OsmanUniversitetslektor
Om mig
Docent i pedagogik.
Mitt forskningsintresse kan sammanfattas med begreppet ”övergångar”. Ett fenomen som studeras inom pedagogisk forskning men också inom utbildning och sociologi. Övergångar mellan olika utbildningssystem och mellan utbildning och arbete har präglat min forskning i ett decennium. Jag är främst intresserad av hur olika typer av utbildningsinstitutioner och folkbildning som institutioner, fungerar som arenor och mekanismer för att underlätta övergången från olika former av vuxenutbildning till arbete eller till vidare utbildning, för människor med invandrarbakgrund.
Syftet med min forskning är och har varit att vidga förståelsen av främst de institutionella villkoren för social inkludering i det svenska samhället. Den senaste tiden har jag varit intresserad av både utrikefödda ungdomar och infödda svenskar som kommer från hem med låg studievana och är på väg till en framgångsrik utbildningskarriär. Särskilt har jag intresserat mig för vilka resurser dessa ungdomar har mobiliserat för att uppnå akademisk framgång.
Mitt andra forskningsintresse och fokus är betydelsen av folkbildningsinstitutioner, särskild invandrarföreningarnas integrationsarbete.
Jag är intresserad av att belysa dels de sociala villkor som strukturerar de nationella och gränsöverskridande aktiviteter/praktiker som underlättar integrering i värdlandet, men också den möjlighetsstruktur som transnationella nätverk utgör när det gäller vidare migration och etablering i tredje land. I mina studier har jag använt olika teorier såsom social konstruktionism, Focault och Bourdieu, för att förstå övergången från skola till högre utbildning eller arbete, men också integrationpraktiker. Metodologiskt använder jag kvalitativa intervjuer, ethnografi och autobiografi.
Jag undervisar på olika kurser t.ex organisationspedagogik, metodkurser och på Kandidatprogram i mångfaldsstudier. Jag undervisar kvalitativa och kvantitativa metodkurser på grundläggande nivå och handleder uppsatser på kandidatnivå och inom forskarutbildningen samt har handlett uppssater på master- och magisternivå.
Urval vetenskapliga texter
1) Eslachi, M & Osman, A. (2021). Becoming a social entrepreneur: Individual and collective learning in communities of practice. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 61, (2).
2) Pastuhov, A. Nordvall, H. & Osman, A. (2021). Popular education by and for migrants. A study of preconditions for involvement of migrant study circle participants in the Swedish Workers’ Educational Association. Education Inquiry, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2021.1971364
3) Månsson, N. Carlhed Ydhag, C. & Osman, A. (2021). I skuggan av kulturellt kapital – om konsten att omforma habitus för skolframgång. Nordic Studies in Education, 41(2), 130–147.
4) Carlhed Ydhag, C., Månsson, N. & Osman, A. (2021). Momentums of success, illusio and habitus: high-achieving upper secondary students’ reasons for seeking academic success. International Journal of Educational Research, 109.
5) Osman, A. Thunborg, C. Bron, A (2021). Who is responsible for the hockey rink? – A critical analysis of a citizen dialogue meeting in a small Mill town ". Journal of community Development (accepted).
6) Osman, A., Månsson, N. Carlhed Ydhag, C (2021). The Significance of Significant Others: The Perspective of High-Achieving Students of Immigrant Background. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. (Accepted)
7) Thunborg, C., Osman, A & Agnieszka, B. (2021): Being in limbo or learning to belong? – Telling the stories of asylum seekers in a mill town, Studies in the education of Adults, DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2020.1824666
8) Teräs, M., Eliasson, E., & Osman, A. (2021). Challenges skilled migrants face in accessing their previous vocation in a new country. In C. Nägele, B.E. Stalder, & M. Weich (Eds.), Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Muttenz and Bern online, 8. – 9. April (pp. 338–341). European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education.
9) Osman, A., Carlhed Ydhag, C. & Månsson, N. (2020). Recipe for educational success: a study of successful school performance of students from low social cultural background. International Studies of Sociology of Education.
10) Eliasson, E., Osman, A., & Teräs, M. (2020). Integration of refugees through access to their previous vocation: A literature review. In L. Moreno Herrera, M. Teräs, & P. Gougoulakis (Eds.), Policies & partnership with the world of work – national and cross-national perspectives: Emerging issues in research on vocational education & training vol. 6 (pp. 110-138). Stockholm, Sweden: Premiss.
11) Teräs, M., Osman, A., & Eliasson, E. (2020). Challenges of skilled refugees' access to their prior vocation in Sweden. In C. Nägele, B. E. Stalder, & N. Kersh (Eds.), Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. III. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET) (pp. 292-300).
12) Månsson, N & Osman, A. (2017). I gapet mellan hem och skolan : Om några somaliska föräldras möte med den svenska skola. I (red) Pirjo Lahdenperä & Eva Sundgren. Ny anlända, interkulturalitet och språklighet i klassrummet. Stockholm: Liber.
13) Osman, A & Månsson, N. (2015). I go to Teachers Conferences, but I do Not Understand What the teacher is saying”: Somali Parents ‘Perception of the Swedish School. International Journal of Multicultural Education. 17(2).
14) Månsson, N. & Osman, A. (2015). Lärarutbildningen och miljonprogrammets skola. (Teacher education and the segregated school). Educare. nr.1.
15) Charles, Westin, C. Alireza, Behtoui , A. , Constanza Vera Larrucea, Ali Osman (2015). "Introduction". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 11-24
16) Säfström, C. A., Månsson, N. & Osman, A.(2015). Whatever happened to teaching? Nordic Studies in Education nr. 4.
17) Osman, Ali. (2013). Popular education in the service of “integration”: empowerment or internalization of dominant cultural ethos. In Laginder, Nordvall, & Crowther (Ed.), popular education, power, and democracy (pp. 263-268). Leicester, UK: NIACE Renaissance House.
18) Osman, A. (2012). In search of green pastures: The onward immigration of Somali-Swedes to Britain. Nordic Journal of Immigration, 2(2), 133-140.
19) Osman, P. & Andersson, P. (2011). Precarious accreditation? Inclusion of immigrants in precarious labor market positions. In A. Thörnquist, & Engstrand (Eds.), precarious employment in perspective. Old and new challenges to working conditions in Sweden (pp. 263-285). Brussels, BE: Peter Lang.
20) Andersson, P & Osman, A. (2008). Recognition of prior learning as a practice for differential inclusion and exclusion of immigrants in Sweden. Adult education quarterly. Vol 59(2008): s. 42 – 60 ISSN: 0741-7136.
21) Osman, A. (2007). Invandrarföreningar: arena för aktivitet och motstånd (immigarnts associations as an arena for action and resistance). I (red Dahlstedt mfl) Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap. Strategier för social inkludering i den mångetniska Storstaden.
22) Osman, A.(2009) ”Integration genom utbildning: Folkbildning för Marknaden”.i (red) Bernt Gustavsson et al. Folkhögskolans praktiker i förändring. Lund: Student litteraturen Student litteratur
23) Osman, A. (2006) ”Integrerande "praktiker" som arena för normalisering och disciplineringav utlandsfödda”( Integration practices as an arena for normalising and discplining immigrants) i (red) Gunnarsson, Neergaard & Nilson. Kors och tvärs- Intersektionalitet och makt i stor-stadens arbetsliv. Stockholm: Normal.
24) Eriksson, Lisbeth & Osman, A. (2003) Folkbildning och integration. Utsatt folkbildning. SOU. 2003:108. Stockholm: Fritze
Urval av övriga publikationer
25) Osman, A.(2000) Marielund Project: Problem definition and strategy. CKS arbetnotat.
26) Osman, A. (2001) “Adult Education Research and Diversity in Sweden: What has been done and what needs to be done”. Integrationsverket, Arbetsnotat.
27) Osman A. (2002) “The significance of adult education system in the transition of immigrants to work- Background delination of a research project”. Themes paper, Department of ethnic studies, Linköping universitet.
28) Andersson, Per, Hult, Åsa & Osman, Ali (2006) ”Validering som sortering hur värderas utländsk yrkeskompetens?” Integrations rapport 2005 (2006). (Expertbilaga).
29) Osman, A. (1994) Adult education and multiculturalism. Paper presented at the European research, 7-11 august 1994, Finland.
30) Osman, A. (2002) “Bourdieu´s conceptual frameworks as an analytical to examine the social exclusion of immigrants”. Bidrag till IMER forskning konferens 2002, Norrköping.
Publications in preparation
31) Osman, A., Eliasson, E., & Teräs, M. Social inclusion and exclusion as conceptual resources to study migration. The 7th volume of Emergent Issues in Research on Vocational Education and Training will focus on migration: Migration and inclusion in work life – The role of VET.
32) Osman, A., Teräs, M., Eliasson, E. A Theoretical Understanding of the Factors that Facilitate or Impede Refugees Accessing their Vocation in Swede
Urval av Konferensbidrag
33) Marriane, T. Osman, A. VET and newly arrived immigrants: challenges of recognition and validation. Paper presented at ECER Conference in Copenhagen 21 October -25 October.
34) Bron, A., Osman, A. & Thunborg, C. (2016). Understanding ‘spatial pockets of inequalities’ - enhancing young adults’ educational and life careers in Sweden. Symposium: Vulnerable adults and their contexts in the European framework: which models for education and research? Presented at the ESREA: 8th Triennial European Research Conference Imagining diverse futures for adult education: questions of power and resources of creativity. 8th and 11th of September 2016 at Maynooth University, Ireland.
35) Osman, A. (2003) Folkbildning´s policy and the construction of difference. An analysis of consequence. Bidrag till NPF forskarkonferens i Köpenhamn.
36) Osman, A. (2005) ”Folkbildning i integrationens tjänst”, vid MIMER-forskarkonferens Göteborg, 9 November.
Eslachi ´, M & Osman, A. (2021). Becoming a social entrepreneur: Individual and collective learning in communities of practice. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 61, (2).
Pastuhov, A. Nordvall, H. & Osman, A. (2021). Popular education by and for migrants. A study of preconditions for involvement of migrant study circle participants in the Swedish Workers’ Educational Association. Education Inquiry, DOI: 10.1080/20004508.2021.1971364
Månsson, N. Carlhed Ydhag, C. & Osman, A. (2021). I skuggan av kulturellt kapital – om konsten att omforma habitus för skolframgång. Nordic Studies in Education, 41(2), 130–147.
Carlhed Ydhag, C., Månsson, N. & Osman, A. (2021). Momentums of success, illusio and habitus: high-achieving upper secondary students’ reasons for seeking academic success. International Journal of Educational Research, 109.
Osman, A. Thunborg, C. Bron, A (2021). Who is responsible for the hockey rink? – A critical analysis of a citizen dialogue meeting in a small Mill town ". Journal of community Development (accepted).
Osman, A., Månsson, N. Carlhed Ydhag, C (2021). The Significance of Significant Others: The Perspective of High-Achieving Students of Immigrant Background. Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance. (Accepted)
Thunborg, C., Osman, A & Agnieszka, B. (2021): Being in limbo or learning to belong? – Telling the stories of asylum seekers in a mill town, Studies in the education of Adults, DOI: 10.1080/02660830.2020.1824666
Osman, A., Carlhed Ydhag, C. & Månsson, N. (2020). Recipe for educational success: a study of successful school performance of students from low social cultural background. International Studies of Sociology of Education.
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
The Challenge of Recruiting Underrepresented Groups – Exploring Organizational Recruitment Practices in Sweden
2019. Ali Osman, Camilla Thunborg. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 9 (1), 3-18
ArtikelThe aim of this article is to explore organisational recruitment practices from human resources (HR) experts’ narratives and discuss the challenges of recruiting underrepresented groups in relation to these practices. From the HR experts’ narratives, we identify four organisational recruitment practices: the informal, the pragmatic, the standardised and the strategic. These practices consist of, for example, ‘subjective’ judgements versus ‘objective’ criteria and are construed in relation to different rationalities, which also give rise to various dilemmas in relation to underrepresented groups. From our analysis, there seems to be a paradox between enhancing diversity and counteracting discrimination. Organisational recruitment practices that are counteracting discrimination do not necessarily enhance diversity and recruitment practices that radically work with enhancing diversity can be seen as discriminatory. We thereby draw the conclusion that there is no effective practice for the recruitment of underrepresented groups in the labour market. This is a dilemma for HR experts and a challenge for the Swedish labour market in general.
VET and newly arrived immigrants
2018. Marianne Teräs, Osman Ali, Johanna Lasonen. Emergent issues in vocational education & training , 607-624
Kapitel -
Integration /“inclusion praxis as a site for “cultural make over” of immigrants.
Ali Osman.
Recognition of Prior Learning as a Practice for Differential Inclusion and Exclusion of Immigrants in Sweden.
2008. Per Andersson, Ali Osman. Adult Education Quarterly 59, 42-60
ArtikelThe purpose of this article is to describe and analyze how recognition of prior learning acts as a dividing practice and a technique for inclusion/exclusion of immigrants in their vocations in Swedish working life. It is a qualitative study of three pilot programs in Swedish urban centers, and the data consist of interviews and documents pertaining to these programs. The theoretical starting point of the analysis is three Foucauldian concepts: order of discourse, dividing practice, and technology of power. The results show how recognition of prior learning acts as a dividing practice; in the process of recognition, the targeting of certain vocations for assessment, the degrading of competence in the process, and the differing opportunities vis-à-vis further training and the labor market are part of the process of inclusion/exclusion in/from the orders of the labor market. Technologies of power—surveillance, observation, and examination— are part of this process.
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