New student

During your chemistry studies at Stockholm University there are plenty of things to keep in mind. Please read the below information carefully.


Welcome to all new students!

Congratulations on getting admitted! All the relevant information will be sent to you by e-mail closer to the start of the course. All courses start with a mandatory roll-call, which can be seen in the course schedules find them in the course catalogue, here!

Welcome! Here is how you can find us!

Drone image over campus
Photo: Clément Morin

If you have any questions, reach out to the Chemistry Section & Student Affairs Office: 

You can find important general information for new students at Stockholm University here:
A smooth start


Here is some practical information which is good to know when you start your studies at the Chemistry Section!

Course information

Information about your courses, schedules (about three weeks before each course starts) and course literature can be found on the course page in the course catalogue. Search for the course name or code!

Activate your SU account!

You will need your account for several of the university's systems, so activate your account as soon as possible here:

If you are a Swedish student you will be able to use your login information from to activate your SU account. If you are an international student you will need to use a one-time code instead, which you can get by visiting the Infocenter in Studenthuset.

Athena (learning platform)

Most of our courses use Athena to communicate with students during the course, and often also for assignment submissions. To access the course page in Athena, your student account must be activated and you must be both admitted and registered to the course. After that you will be able to log in to Athena here:

Read about Athena and the university's other digital tools and services here!


Another system which is used by SU is Ladok. Ladok is used by many courses for exam sign-up, and you will also be able to see your grades, download registration certificates/transcript of records and finally apply for a degree. Important information is often sent to the e-mail address which is registered in Ladok, so please log in (with your SU account information) and make sure your contact information is correct:

Course registration

Admitted students on most of our master's courses and some of our bachelor's courses are registered to courses after the (mandatory) roll-call on the first day of each course (see schedule). If your are not present you will not be able to do the course. The student office register all students who showed up, most often on the same day as the roll-call. Please get in touch with us if you for some reason need to be registered in advance:

Many of our bachelor's courses also give you the possibility to register to the course online via Ladok (see above), about two weeks before the course starts. You still have to attend the roll-call even if you register online.

If you need to retake a course you have to contact the student office to get re-registered! Please contact at least a week before the course starts.

Student areas

As a student in chemistry, you have access to a computer room, kitchenette, study places and even your own locker.

Read more about that here:
Student areas

Students in the common room
Teacher in front of a whiteboard with calculations

If you are in need of targeted study support and/or adaptations it is important to know which steps to take, and that you contact us well in advance. This is important in order for you to receive the best possible support and the smoothest study experience as possible. There is a lot of information on the Student Services' website and they should be the ones you primarily contact regarding the grant of support and adaptations. The first thing you need to do is to apply for a certificate in the system NAIS, read more about it (and other things) here:

Studying with a disability (Student Services)

When you have your NAIS certificate, contact us to arrange a meeting where we go through your approved adjustments. There is an audio induction loop (or hearing loop) in our largest lecture hall, Magnéli Hall, but master's courses usually do not have lectures there. Please contact us if you would need to use this during your course.


Studies in chemistry are tough, fun and rewarding. We have high expectations of both you and ourselves. Please read your e-mail often and check your spam folder as well!

Our courses normally have a high proportion of scheduled teaching, in many courses you are expected to be on campus most of the day, Monday through Friday. Most of our courses are given at full-time pace, which means you only do one course at a time and that they end after 5-10 weeks.

Because the pace of study is high, even occasional absences can make it more difficult to follow the remaining teaching. The course coordinator decides on a case-by-case basis whether absence can be accepted or not, compensation assignments are usually not offered.

If you are forced to miss mandatory parts due to illness or other reasons, you should contact the course coordinator as soon as possible. You can find information about where to turn (for medical advice, healthcare, insurance issues and more) in case you get sick or injured here:
In case you get ill (Student Services)

You can have a look at the university's regulatory documents and read about how you can influence your education, the work and study environment and a lot of other things here:
Your rights and responsibilities (Student Services)

Students sitting outside on the grass outside of the Arrhenius laboratory
Photo: Eva Dalin

The Chemistry Section takes matters of cheating and plagiarism very seriously. If someone gets caught or is suspected of cheating they are reported to the department's Director of studies, who will file a formal report to the president of the university. The president then decides if the matter should be referred to the Disciplinary Committee.

To copy someone else's text, or to rewrite it, and then hand it in with your own name is plagiarism. When you write an assignment, like a lab report or a full thesis, you have to write it with your own words (even if you work with a friend while you are writing it). If we see assignments that are too similar to eachother this will be handled as plagiarism. This happens every semester and it is always as sad for us as for the one who gets reported.

Cheating and plagiarism can lead to a warning or suspension up to 6 months. Please speak to your teacher or lab assistant if you feel unsure of what plagiarism really is. They would much rather answer questions before you hand in the assignment than go through a disciplinary case.

Photo: Eva Dalin

You can find information about what could happen if you are suspected of cheating or plagiarism, and what support and advice the Student Union can offer students here:
Cheating and plagiarism – how disciplinary cases are handled at SU (Stockholm University Student Union, SUS)

You can find the official rules for the management of disciplinary matters at Stockholm University here:
Guidelines for Disciplinary Matters at Stockholm University

Cherry blossoms in front of the Arrhenius laboratory
Photo: Anna-Karin Landin


Chemistry Section & Student Affairs Office
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