This web page is a complement to Stockholm University's employee website for employees at the Department of Economics.
Visit the university's website for staff regularly:
Danske Bank
Stockholm University cooperate with Danske Bank regarding salary payments. To be able to get your salary payed into your bank account you first need to register your account.
Use the link in Primula on the first page; you log in with your BankID or Mobile BankID. If you haven't got access to Primula yet, please contact the department's economy processing.
This does not mean that you become a client at Danske Bank; only that your salary will go to your account through Danske Bank. If the bank does not have the correct information about you and your account, you will receive an inpayment form.
Forms for employment issues
On Stockholm University's staff web, you will find the forms for employment issues. Please always use the forms through this link since they are updated regularly:
Forms and templates (in Swedish)
NB! Please always first check if you can use Primula instead, se tab further down on this page!
Information that you register yourself in Primula:
- Leave of absence (not unpaid leave)
- Parental leave
- Wellness benefit
- Care of child (VAB)
- Vacation application
- Sick leave
- Travel/expenses
Terms of employment
In You and your workplace you will get an overview of the terms of employment at Stockholm University.
Wellness benefits
As an employee at Stockholm University, you are entitled to wellness benefits. The reciepts must not be older than six months.
You have to register your wellness benefit and receipts in Primula/My page/Wellness Benefit. Print the application document in Primula and scan together with the original receipt, and submit to Audra Mozuraitiene.
The staff gym is located next to the entrance to Lantis, see link below.
Public procurement
All purchases within Stockholm University must follow the rules of public procurement. No matter where the money comes from (grants or project funds), we must purchase from suppliers with whom Stockholm University has agreements.
Last updated: January 31, 2025
Source: Institutionsnamn