School attendance, absenteeism, and preventive measures in Europe and beyond
Date: Monday 15 January 2024
Time: 15.00 – 17.30
Location: Online via Zoom
Zoom seminar to launch the special issue of European Education on “Comparative perspectives on school attendance, absenteeism, and preventive measures in Europe and beyond”
Recently a special issue of the journal European Education was published on “Comparative perspectives on school attendance, absenteeism, and preventive measures in Europe and beyond”.
The complete Special issue of the journal is available on-line.
To celebrate this, we organize a Zoom seminar on school attendance, absenteeism, and preventive measures. Each article in the special issue will be presented by the authors and there will be time so ask questions at the end of each presentation as well as some time for a general discussion at the end of the seminar.
All who are interested in this subject are welcome to join the seminar.
International time
8.00 a.m. Chicago, USA and 9.00 a.m. in Binghamton, USA.
Meeting ID: 698 3945 9019
Please, feel free to share the Zoom-link with other researchers and students who are interested in the topic, but do this with some caution and only in places with restricted access for those who you would like to invite, in order to avoid disturbances of the seminar.
For further information contact:
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg:
Ulf Fredriksson:
Program for the seminar
The clock hours indicated in the program below are based on Stockholm time.
15.00 – 15.05 Welcome and general information about the launching seminar
15.05 – 15.15 General Information about the journal “European Education” (Noah W. Sobe, Editor European Education)
15.15 – 15.25 Introduction to the Special Issue: Why a Special Issue on School Absenteeism? (Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg and Ulf Fredriksson)
15.25 – 15.40 School Absenteeism in Germany: A Shift from Punishment to Support? (Chiara Enderle, Heinrich Ricking and Gisela C. Schulz)
15.40 - 15.55 The Problem of “Problematic School Absenteeism” – On the Logics of Institutional Work with Absent Students’ Well-Being and Knowledge Development (Ola Strandler and Martin Harling)
15.55 – 16.10 Profiles of School Refusal among Neurodivergent Youth (Jessica E. Granieri, Hannah E. Morton, Raymond G. Romanczyk and Jennifer M. Gillis Mattson)
16.10 – 16.25 Break
16.25 – 16. 40 Young People’s Stories of School Failure and Remedial Trajectories – Clues to Prevention of School Absenteeism and Early School Leaving (Åsa Sundelin, Joakim Lindgren, and Lisbeth Lundahl)
16.40 – 16.55 Socially Jetlagged and Late for School: Chronotypes, Achievement and Truancy among 15-Year-Old Students in PISA 2018 (Jörg-Henrik Heine and Christine Sälzer)
16.55 – 17.10 General conclusions to draw from the Special Issue on School Absenteeism (Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg/Ulf Fredriksson)
17.10 – 17.25 General questions and discussion
17.25 – 17.30 Closing
Last updated: January 11, 2024
Source: IPD