Welcome to a webinar about the IPCC WGI report 2021 The Physical Science Basis
Date: Thursday 2 September 2021
Time: 13.00 – 16.15
Location: via Zoom
Thursday September 2, 2021, at 13.00-16.15 (1.00-4.15 pm)
The web-broadcast seminar is a collaboration between SMHI, Stockholm University (SU) and the Swedish Meteorological Society (SMS).
Organisation committee:
Erland Källén, MISU (convener)
Svante Bodin, ICCI
Markku Rummukainen (SMHI, IPCC rep for Sweden)
Thorsten Mauritsen, MISU (co-author to the IPCC report)
Erik Kjellström, SMHI
Aiden Jönsson, MISU and SMS
Link to the webinar
No registration is needed - join us via Zoom through the following link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/62928487217
via YouTube channel
Please note that the Introduction to IPCC and the Panel discussion will be in Swedish.
13.00 Welcome
Erland Källén, MISU
13.05 Introduction to IPCC (in Swedish)
Lena Lindström, SMHI
13.20 Main conclusions from the IPCC WG1 report
Deliang Chen, University of Gothenburg
13.45 Break
14.00 Theme 1 - Projections, climate models and climate sensitivity
Thorsten Mauritsen, MISU
14.15 Theme 2 - Glaciers and sea-level
Tamsin Edwards, King’s College, London, UK
14.30 Theme 3 - Carbon cycle including permafrost
Gustaf Hugelius, Stockholm University
14.45 Theme 4 - Shortlived radiative forcings including aerosols
Laura Gallardo, University of Chile, Santiago
15.00 Break
15.15 Theme 5 - North Atlantic including AMOC, the Arctic and Nordic countries
Jens Hesselbjerg-Christensen, University of Copenhagen
15.30 Panel discussion and general discussion (in Swedish)
How does the new report differ from what we knew from before?
What role does the increased Natural Science knowledge about climate change play for the society?
Panel participants:
Johan Kuylenstierna, chair, Swedish Climate Policy Council, SU
Ingrid Petersson, Director General, FORMAS
Mattias Frumerie, Head of Delegation to UNFCCC, Swedish Ministry of Environment
Annika Digréus, environmental journalist, SR
Leo Rudberg, Fältbiologerna
Erik Kjellström, SMHI
Last updated: September 2, 2021
Source: MISU