Ever wondered how research is done at sea? Our oceanography students get to learn about various instruments on a cruise with the research vessel Electra. Read the report here!
Do you want to start learning more about weather, the oceans or the climate this spring? You can find all our courses and programmes here. Applications are open until 16 Oct.
New graduate school in marine, climate and environmental science
Are you interested in contributing to new knowledge about the conditions and challenges of the Baltic Sea in a changing climate? Here is a unique opportunity to conduct research in a broad and interdisciplinary context.
After a successful launch in November, the MATS satellite is now in orbit, and will collect data on waves in the upper parts of the atmosphere. Read all about the project here!
Exhibition Thursday-Sunday November 30-December 22, 2024, 14:00-17:00. Opening reception: Saturday, November 30, 2024, 14:00-17:00, with opening speech at 14:00. Lecture Sunday, December 8, 2024, 17:00-18:30.
We want to welcome Casey Wall who will join us as Assistant professor on November 1st. Casey has recently received an ERC starting grant to study aerosols, tropical convective clouds, and climate.
A week ago Oden departed from the Victoria Fjord in Northern Greenland, aiming to go east around the northern tip of Greenland and arrive in Longyearbyen on Svalbard.
Ikaite is a special form of limestone that often forms in very cold seawater, in the polar oceans. A study led by Stockholm University researchers suggests that this highly unknown mineral plays an important role in the ocean's uptake of carbon dioxide.
Applications for international courses and programmes beginning in the autumn 2025 open on 15 October. This application round is open for all students who wish to apply for an international course or programme at Stockholm University
Applications for international courses and programmes beginning in the autumn 2025 open on 15 October. This application round is open for all students who wish to apply for an international course or programme at Stockholm University