
There are extensive resources at the department, from research level instrumentation for analysis and imaging to sophisticated geophysical mapping tools. There is also sample preparation facilities and a well-equipped workshop for customized needs. Data storage is offered in partnership with the Bolin Centre for Climate Research.


Our extensive analytical resources relate to the research fields of Geochemistry, Geology, and Marine Geology.

Analytical resources in Geochemistry

Analytical resources in Geology

Analytical resources in Marine Geology


The goal with The stable isotope laboratory is to develop new methods for use in geochemistry and to help researchers at the Department of Geological Sciences with their samples.



A core facility has been formed at the Faculty of Science which will cover the faculty’s needs for mechanical workshop services. The core facility comprises the mechanical workshops at IGV and AlbaNova which offers high competence and services in mechanical design and manufacturing. The IGV and AlbaNova workshops can perform both large and small-scale tasks in mechanical design and manufacturing.

Mechanical workshop


Data storage is offered in partnership with the Bolin Centre for Climate Research.

Bolin database

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