

Vice Department Head

Vice Department Head

Directors of studies

The Directors of studies are responsible for questions related to education. 

Director of PhD studies
Director of Undergraduate studies

PhD Council Board

The PhD Council at MBW represents our PhD students, and its primary function is to ensure quality of education and to promote good working and social environment for our graduate students.

The PhD Council Board is responsible for the overall operations of the PhD Council.

PhD Council Board

Stockholm University Student Union (SUS)

The Student Union can help you

Stockholm University Student union (SUS) is the largest of the three student unions and represents almost all students. They organize students who want to influence their education and represent students' interests when the university makes various decisions. You can participate in or arrange various events and activities through union associations and student/PhD student councils.

If you have problems connected to your education, the ombud on SUS provides support regarding student rights and student influence during an investigation or if you just want information. The ombud exist to offer information about students' rights and obligations. This applies to both disciplinary matters and questions regarding your education. The ombud do not represent students and do not attend meetings, but provide them with information before these meetings.

You can find more information on SUS website In the event of harassment and discrimination, students are referred to Equal conditions at Stockholm University, which can be reached by email


Study administration

Please turn here if you have questions regarding the administrative aspects of the PhD education (for example conerning Ladok, documentation, certificates or preparation for your defence). 


Student Office and Study Counselling (BIG)

If you have questions concerning undergraduate education, please contact the Student Office or the Study Councellors at the Department of Biology Education (BIG)

Contact BIG

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