Stockholm university

The research area focuses on the relationship between family and work and the gender dimensions of family life, as well as social, economic and cultural aspects of family life. Changes in family organization and behavior in Sweden and other Western societies are a particular focus.

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On this page


Stefano Cantalini


Department of Sociology
Stefano Cantalini

Ann-Zofie Duvander

Professor of Demography

Department of Sociology
Ann-Zofie Duvander. Foto: Leila Zoubir/Stockholms universitet

Helen Eriksson


Department of Sociology
Helen Eriksson

Michael Gähler

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Michael Gähler. Foto: Stockholms universitet

Martin Kolk

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology
Martin Kolk

Linda Nathalié Kridahl

Docent in Demography

Department of Sociology
Linda Kridahl. Foto: Stockholms universitet

Eleonora Mussino

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Eleonora Mussino. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Stefanie Möllborn

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Stefanie Möllborn, professor i sociologi

Sofi Ohlsson Wijk


Department of Sociology
Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk Foto Leila Zoubir Stockholms universitet

Livia Olah

Senior Lecturer, Docent

Department of Sociology
Livia Oláh

Steffen Peters

PhD student

Department of Sociology
Steffen Peters. Photo: Peter Wilhelm/MPIDR

Johanna Schiratzki


Department of Sociology
Johanna Schiratzki. Foto: Anne Rajmic.

Ben Wilson

Researcher, Docent

Department of Sociology
Ben Wilson. Photo: Leila Zoubir/Stockholm University

Research projects

Courses and programmes


Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Sociology. 

Department of Sociology Swedish Institute for Social Research