AME Labour Economics-seminarium: Diogo Britto (Bocconi)


Datum: torsdag 24 november 2022

Tid: 10.00 – 11.15

Plats: F800

Parenthood and Productivity

AME Labour Economics-seminarium i arbetsmarknadsekonomi vid Institutet för social forskning (SOFI):

Diogo Britto från Bocconi University i Milano presenterar Parenthood and Productivity, en studie skriver tillsammans med C. de Holanda, B. Ferman, A. Fonseca, B. Sampaio och L. Warwar


Detta seminarium hålls på plats, det går inte att delta via länk.

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Child penalties explain a sizable part of the gender gap in labor market outcomes. One key question for which we have very limited evidence is whether such penalties can be explained by productivity losses following parenthood. We provide evidence from a unique setting which allows us to overcome two crucial challenges in estimating the impacts of child birth on productivity. First, we study this question for a group of workers who do not decrease labor supply in response to child birth, so that we can measure productivity for all parents before and after child birth. Second, our setting allows us to precisely measure productivity. We find that child birth leads only to a short-lived reduction in productivity for mothers, and discuss the external validity of our findings and implications for policies addressing the gender gap.