Application for exchange studies at University of Illinois

Application is now open for an exchange at the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign (UIUC) during the academic year 2023/2024. You can apply for autumn semester or the full academic year. Deadline for applications 31 January 2023.

If you are curious about what it is like to study biology or chemistry at an American university, this is a great opportunity to find out. As an exchange student, you get the opportunity to study at a top American university without paying a US tuition fee.


Wonderful Urbana Champaign!

This university is the flagship in the university cluster University of Illinois. Generations of researchers in Science have been active here since the 19h century, and no less than 30 Nobel prize winners. The university's main campus at Urbana-Champaign is known for its beautiful scenery and architecture.

Take the opportunity to experience the American student life, celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving in an American way, travel to Chicago and to see an American football game (cheering for the home team!). You can also take the opportunity to travel to Chicago, listen to the blues and go to American football (where you of course cheer for the home team).

Read more on our blogg where previous students write about their experiences (Swedish)

University of Illinois union and quad from above
Photo: University of Illinois.

Courses offered in the exchange

You will primarily study courses at The School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB). You can choose to study courses such as drug development, cell signaling, or neuroscience. One semester corresponds to 15 credits at the bachelor's level and 12 credits at the master's level. If you want to study courses outside MCB, you should contact the exchange coordinator at BIG before your application.

Find courses offered at the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Find courses offered at the Department of Chemistry


Eligibility requirements for exchange studies

To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following requirements.

  • Be registered as a student at Stockholm University in science. Preference is given to students in biology and chemistry.
  • At least 15 credits from Stockholm University, documented in Ladok no later than the last day of application. Credits from other universities are not included.
  • You must have studied at least one year before departure.
  • A prerequisite for being able to complete the exchange is that you can credit your courses after the exchange. You must come to agreement with the exchange coordinator on a preliminary choice of courses that can be credited before you apply.

How to apply

Your application must include:

  • Completed Application form exchange at University of Illinois (212 Kb)
  • Personal letter in English where you describe who you are and why you want to go on an exchange.
  • A letter of recommendation from a person at your home institution that can describe why you are a suitable representative for SU, both personally and academically.

Send your application in pdf format to no later than 31 January 2023 at 23.59. The application must be marked “Application USA.” All documents will be registered.

Selection criteria

If more people apply than there are places, we make the selection based on the following criteria:

  • Complete application.
    Firstly, students who have submitted the complete application on time are nominated. Incomplete applications and/or late applications are processed subject to availability.
  • Previous exchange studies.
    Students who have not previously participated in exchange studies at Stockholm University have priority. You cannot be nominated for a university where you have previously been an exchange student.
  • Suitability.
    We assess your suitability as an ambassador for Stockholm University and your ability to adapt to the foreign environment based on your personal letter and the letter of recommendation.
  • Study results.
    The number of completed higher education credits during the last two years in relation to the number of credits for which the student has been registered. In cases where the previous criteria are not sufficient to make a selection, we also look at grades in courses within science.


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