New article about the Swedish Million Programme high-rise suburb in the 1970s children’s literature

Lydia Wistisen, PhD in Literature, has contributed with the article "Concrete Possibilities: The High-Rise Suburb in Swedish Children’s and Young Adult Literature", in the new book Literatures of Urban Possibility. In the article Wistisen examines the representations of the suburban environment in Children’s and Young Adult Literature.

Lydia Wistisen, forskare i litteraturvetenskap med särskilt fokus på barn- och ungdomslitteratur.

Representations of the suburban environment are created in the tension between the dystopic and the utopian, in the Swedish 1970s children’s literature, Wistisen concludes in her article in the new book Literatures of Urban Possibility (2021). The book is part of The Palgrave Macmillan Literary Urban Studies Series, which  has a thematic focus on literary mediations and representations of urban conditions.

More about the book and Lydia Wistisen's article

Find out more about Lydia Wistisen's research