Vogue Scandinavia lists Fashioned in the North among the top ten books on Scandinavian style

When Vogue Scandinavia lists the top ten books on Scandinavian style, the first book on the list is Fashioned in the North: Nordic histories, Agents, and Images of Fashion Photography, edited by art history professor Anna Näslund Dahlgren at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

Fashioned in the North: Nordic histories, Agents, and Images of Fashion Photography (Nordic Academic Press, 2020) challenges previous ideas about the Scandinavian style.

As the first thing one thinks about is the minimalist style, we wanted to revisit that and think about whether there were any hidden stories and what does the contemporary fashion photography scene in the Nordics look like. It was a very open day of conversation and discussion, so I wanted to make something out of these discussions and it resulted in this book.

Says professor Anna Näslund Dahlgren to Vogue Scandinavia.

Isabella Rose Davey writes in Vogue Scandinavia that Fashioned in the North is a deep dive into the many facets of the historical representation of Nordic fashion and "a hugely insightful investigative work".

Read the article in Vogue Scandinavia

More about the book Fashioned in the North

More about Anna Näslund Dahlgrens research

Omslag till Fashioned in the North, red. Anna Dahlgren, Nordic Academic Press, 2020. Foto: John Cowan, © John Cowan Archive.