PhD Programme in Economics

The PhD Programme in Economics at Stockholm University is broadly considered one of the very best in Europe. The US-style programme is fully international in its orientation, and the vast majority of students enter the global economics job market.

Life as a PhD student at Stockholm University:


The PhD Programme in Economics at Stockholm University is organised by the Department of Economics, in cooperation with the Institute for International Economic Studies, and the Swedish Institute for Social Research.

Stockholm University and Stockholm School of Economics collaborate by offering common courses for PhD students in economics and finance.


Year 1

You will study mathematics, microeconomics, econometrics, and macroeconomics, in total 60 out of 105 credits. All courses in year 1 are compulsory.

Year 2 and 3

You will take the remaining 45 credits during year 2 and 3. In addition to full sequences in development, labour, macroeconomics, and political economics, there are courses in finance, behavioural economics, trade, industrial organisation, etc., along with various methods-oriented courses.

There are also individual courses in public economics and international economics, as well as field-specific courses, where you formulate and carry out entirely new research projects. Historically, these projects have turned into many dissertation chapters, as well as top-tier publications.

Thesis work and defence

The work on the thesis starts during year 2. Usually, you write a thesis consisting of a number of separate articles. The qualitative requirement is that each article should be publishable, but not necessarily published, in a refereed international journal.

The match between a graduate student and an advising team typically occurs sometime during the second or third year; the sooner students start considering possible advisors, the better.

When the thesis is ready and in print, it is publicly discussed and defended. The discussant must be an expert in the relevant field. The thesis defence is given a pass or fail grade. The decision of this grade is made by a committee consisting of three members. The discussant as well as the composition of the committee follows the guidelines of Stockholm University. The main supervisor proposes the discussant and the committee and the decision is made by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University.


Our courses in year 2 and 3 are also open for external students. Find out more:

Course details PhD programme


Stockholm doctoral course programme in economics, econometrics and finance

The joint undertaking by Stockholm University and Stockholm School of Economics in offering common courses is called the Stockholm doctoral course programme in Economics, Econometrics and Finance (SDPE). This means that students at Stockholm University and Stockholm School of Economics have access to the same courses. Uppsala University is also part of the broader PhD course programme.

The PhD programme is also a part of ENTER

Center for monetary policy and financial stability

The Center for monetary policy and financial stability (CeMoF) is a collaboration between the Department of Economics, Stockholm Business School, and the Institute for International Economics Studies.

CeMoF's mission is to promote research and learning in the areas of monetary policy and financial stability. Affiliated PhD students are awarded a certificate from CeMoF.

Visit CeMoF for more information



PhD students.
Photos: Private

Starting in 2024

In September 2024 we hade 11 students joining us. Meet some of them here:

Meet our PhD students 2024

Starting in 2023

In September 2023 we had 16 students. Here you will meet some of them:

Meet our new PhD students

Students starting previous years

Meet Thore Petersen, sharing his experience as a first-year student:



Meet Patrizia Massner, a third-year student:



Meet Ulrika Arhsjö, in her final year of the programme:



Jakob Beuschlein; Ossian Prane
Photos: Rickard Kilström; Private

In 2024/25, Jakob Beuschlein and Ossian Prane will go on the job market. Find out more about them here:

Job market candidates 2024/25

Interview with Jakob Beuschlein and Ossian Prane


Our graduates successfully continue to top job placements, in academia, governments, trade and industry, finance and banking. Find more here:

Job placement for prior classes


The official channel of communication between graduate students and the department as well as other bodies of relevance.

Information and contact


Application opens in October and closes on 31 January every year.

How to apply to the PhD programme in Economics



If you have any questions about the programme, please email:


Director of studies PhD level
On this page


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