AME Labour Economics-seminarium: Evan Rose (University of Chicago)
Datum: torsdag 16 mars 2023
Tid: 10.00 – 11.15
Plats: F800
"How Replaceable is a Low-Wage Job?"
AME Labour Economics-seminarium i arbetsmarknadsekonomi vid Institutet för social forskning (SOFI):
Evan Rose från University of Chicago presenterar "How Replaceable is a Low-Wage Job?" (med Yotam Shem-Tov)
Detta seminarium hålls på plats, det går inte att delta via länk.
Läs mer om våra seminarieserier, workshops and conferenser här:
This paper studies the long-run consequences of losing a low-wage job using linked employer-employee wage records and household surveys. For full-time workers earning $15 per hour or less, job loss due to an idiosyncratic, firm-wide contraction generates a 13% reduction in earnings 4-6 years later and more than $40,000 cumulative lost earnings. Most of this long-run decrease stems from reductions in employment and hours as opposed to wage rates: job losers are twice as likely to report being unemployed and looking for work, and annual weeks worked are reduced by 10%. By contrast, workers initially earning more than $15 per hour see comparable long-run earnings losses driven primarily by reductions in hourly wages. We interpret these effects through a dynamic job-ladder model, which implies that the flow rents from holding a full-time $15 per hour job relative to unemployment are 3.1% of earnings.
Senast uppdaterad: 14 mars 2023
Sidansvarig: SOFI