AME Labour Economics-seminarium: Katrine Løken (NHH)
Datum: torsdag 23 mars 2023
Tid: 10.00 – 11.15
Plats: F800
"Generational Persistence in the Effects of an Early Childhood Health Intervention"
AME Labour Economics-seminarium i arbetsmarknadsekonomi vid Institutet för social forskning (SOFI):
Katrine Løken från NHH presenterar "Generational Persistence in the Effects of an Early Childhood Health Intervention" (framtagen tillsammans med Sara Abrahamson, Aline Bütikofer och Marianne Page)
Detta seminarium hålls på plats, det går inte att delta via länk.
Läs mer om våra seminarieserier, workshops and conferenser här:
We investigate multi-generational impacts of an early life health intervention. Using Norwegian administrative data with variation in the timing of infant health care center adoption between 1936-1955, we find that the program's long term education and earnings benefits on exposed cohorts extended to their later offspring, but only for offspring who had an exposed mother. A plausible mechanism is supported by the finding that women exposed to the program were more likely to partner with highly educated and high earnings men that was also exposed to the reform. We also show that benefits accruing to the second generation are larger for those whose mothers were born in low income municipalities and municipalities that had high infant mortality rates, suggesting that public investments in early childhood health can be important levers towards increasing future generations' equality of opportunity.
Senast uppdaterad: 20 mars 2023
Sidansvarig: SOFI