AME Labour Economics-seminarium: Massimo Anelli (Bocconi University)
Datum: torsdag 4 maj 2023
Tid: 10.00 – 11.15
Plats: F800
"Willingness to Pay for Workplace Amenities"
AME Labour Economics-seminarium i arbetsmarknadsekonomi vid Institutet för social forskning (SOFI).
Massimo Anelli från Bocconi University presenterar "Willingness to Pay for Workplace Amenities".
Detta seminarium hålls på plats, det går inte att delta via länk.
Läs mer om våra seminarieserier, workshops och konferenser här:
We present a new method to identify the value of workplace amenities using excess mass in the earnings distribution around budget discontinuities. The approach formalizes the idea that workers are less responsive to financial incentives when non-wage amenities are more valuable. Applying this method to the value of safe workplaces, we estimate a sizable willingness to pay for safer workplaces. Excess mass adjusts sharply when the death risk induced by Covid-19 outbreaks increases. The behavior implies that workers are willing to forgo about 1.3% of their income to lower fatality risks by one in a million.
Senast uppdaterad: 3 maj 2023
Sidansvarig: SOFI