Doctoral Studies

Regardless of the doctoral program (Asia or Middle East), the aims are to give the students:

  • deeper and broader knowledge of the subjects
  • greatly improved language skills
  • deeper insights into the theory of general linguistics, discourse and comparative literature
  • very good insight into the theory and methods relevant to the dissertation topic’s research field
  • the ability to carry out independent and scientific work
  • the ability to present in written and oral form the particular research field
Hand som tar ner böcker från en bokhylla

The aim of the education is to provide training in theory, methods and subject matter so that finally the holder of a PhD will be able to carry out scientific research and in other ways make high-quality contributions in various fields of professional life such as teaching, administration, the cultural sector, business life, the mass media and publishing. Doctoral studies at the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is lively and has a very high standard. Our 10 or so Doctoral students do advanced research work and form an important part of the Department’s overall research results.

Information about the application itself is provided by the Director of Doctoral Studies: Tania Al Saadi, email:

Guidelines for PhD Studies at Stockholm University

Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Humanities


To obtain a Doctoral degree, the PhD candidate must:

  • have a broad knowledge and systematic understanding of the research  field  as well as deep and up-to-date special knowledge of a limited part of the research field
  • have an intimate understanding of scientific methods in general and of the methods of  the specific research field in particular
  • have the ability to carry out scientific analysis and synthesis and scientific critical investigation and assessment of new and complex phenomena and approaches to problem solving
  • have the ability to identify and formulate problems critically, independently, creatively and accurately and to plan and describe with adequate methods research and other advanced tasks within given deadlines and to examine and evaluate such work
  • show in a dissertation the ability to make a real contribution through one’s own research to the development of knowledge
  • have the ability in both national and international contexts, in speech and in writing, to present and discuss with authority research and research results in a dialogue with the scientific community and society in general
  • have the ability to identify the need for further knowledge
  • be in a position to contribute to societal development and to support other people’s learning in research and education as well as in other advanced professional contexts
  • show intellectual independence and scientific competence as well as the ability to make ethical judgements in the field of research
  • have deep insight into the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and personal responsibility for how it is used. 

The Department only accepts applications for postgraduate studies leading to a PhD degree, not to a licentiate degree.

Admission regulations Dept. 172 (246 Kb)

General admission regulations for third-cycle study programmes at Stockholm Univsersity

Please see the Swedish website for admission and qualification requirements

Qualification and knowledge requirements

You are entitled to apply for Doctoral studies if you meet the requirements, both for basic qualifications and for special qualifications. In addition, you will need to be assessed as having other necessary qualifications for successfully managing your studies.

Basic qualification

The basic qualification for being accepted for Doctoral studies is to have a degree at second cycle level (Master's level) and to have at least 240 ECTS credits, at least 60 of them at the second cycle level, or to have in some other way within or outside Sweden acquired mainly the equivalent knowledge.

Special qualification

The special qualification for being accepted for Doctoral studies in Asian and Middle Eastern languages and cultures is to have a Master’s degree in one of the fields that are included in the subject Asian languages and cultures (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Studies) or in Middle Eastern languages and cultures (Middle Eastern, North African, and Turkish Studies).

You may also have the special qualifications if you have acquired mainly the equivalent knowledge within or outside Sweden.

Knowledge recommendations

A Doctoral student is required to be fluent in the primary language of the area of studies, as well as in written and spoken English. In addition, it is desirable that the student has practical experience (for example as an exchange student) of the language area.


For Doctoral students there is both a general study program (ASP) for all Doctoral students within the main areas of Asian languages and cultures and Middle Eastern languages and cultures, and an individual study program (ISP) for each student.

General study program

Third cycle education (Doctoral studies) is regulated by a general study program that has been approved by the Faulty of Humanities:
General Study Plan for Doctoral Studies in Asian Languages and Cultures (154 Kb)

General Study Plan for Doctoral Studies in Middle Eastern languages and cultures (154 Kb)

Individual study program

There must be an individual study program for every active Doctoral student.

The aim of an individual study program is to help you complete your studies within the appointed time (that is, while you are employed at the Department).

You will plan your individual study program with your supervisor at the beginning of each academic year. It has to be handed in to the person responsible for third cycle education in early September every year.


ISP-form follow-up

Instructions and comments to ISP-form

Assessment and changes

The Supervisors’ Council assesses and approves the individual study programs and then reports them to the Department Board.

Courses at the Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities at Stockholm University offers thematic studies and free-standing courses at doctoral level in the humanities.

The Doctoral School in the Humanities




The Department’s Doctoral students are employed for a period of five years with 20 per cent of their annual work taken up by teaching and/or administration in the Department. It is possible to change this allocation of time from term to term, but the time allowed for research shall never be less than 50 per cent.

The Department can offer work in the form of teaching or administration to the Doctoral students. The choice of work is up to you in consultation with your main supervisor and the Director of Studies for Research Programs at the Department Tania Al Saadi.


If you have been accepted for Doctoral studies, you have the right to supervision during the time that is considered necessary for the required education of 240 credits unless the Faculty of Humanities decides otherwise on the basis of HF Ch. 6 Para. 37.

A main supervisor and a deputy supervisor are appointed for each Doctoral student at the beginning of the course of studies.

Choosing a supervisor

The main supervisor is appointed by the Department Board on the proposal of the Supervisors’ Council at the Department. The deputy supervisor is appointed by the Supervisors’ Council.
Changing supervisors

A Doctoral student who requests a change of supervisor shall be granted a change. A request for change shall be made to the Department Board.

Supervisory meetings

The supervisor and the Doctoral student shall discuss the overall planning of the course of studies and every year draw up a detailed program of the coming year’s studies.

The supervisor shall ensure that the studies are organised so that they can be completed within the stated normal time.

Regular and continual contacts (meetings, email, telephone) between the supervisor and the Doctoral student shall take place from the very start of the course of studies.

At the meetings both the student and the supervisor shall be well prepared.

Extent of the supervision

The time devoted to supervision includes, of course, not only the time when the supervisor and the student meet but also all the work that the supervisor does in connection with the thesis.

The main supervisor

The amount of supervisory time for the main supervisor is reckoned to be 80 hours a year.

The deputy supervisor

The amount of supervisory time for the deputy supervisor is reckoned to be 30 hours a year.



The dissertation must show the ability of the Doctoral student to independently solve in a scientific and satisfactory manner the chosen research problem.

Dissertation format

The dissertation must be written as a comprehensive, coherent scientific work (monograph thesis). The investigation and results are to be presented in a form that is qualitatively deemed to meet reasonable demands for acceptance in a peer-reviewed scientific series or journal.

Other requirements

The following are other requirements for a doctoral dissertation to be accepted:

  • it  is an independent study that gives something new
  • the aim, problem presentation and method are  described and explained
  • the method is applied correctly
  • the state of research is presented so as to distinguish previous research from one’s own contribution
  • the material is presented and its delimitations motivated
  • notes, bibliography and the like are presented accurately and scientifically
  • the arrangement is logical and consistent
  • the linguistic standard is acceptable
  • the results are summarized

Language of the dissertation

The dissertation should be written in English (preferably) or in Swedish.


A doctoral dissertation that is written in English must include a summary in Swedish. This summary should be detailed enough for a reader without knowledge of the language of the dissertation to get a clear understanding of the dissertation’s purpose and main contents, the scientific method employed and the results that have been achieved.

Dissertations within the main field of Asian languages and cultures must also contain a summary written in Chinese, Japanese or Korean according to the subject.

The research student’s supervisor is responsible for checking that the summary has the required contents.

An assessment of the summaries will be included when the whole dissertation is assessed.

Abstract in English

Every doctoral dissertation must include a brief abstract in English of not more than 500 words. This abstract must

  • state the title of the dissertation and the language in which it is written, the author’s name/authors’ names and the university and department
  • present the content with regard to the problem, the method and the results
  • provide key words and other important information to allow a bibliographical search in an automated information system.

A public defence of a Doctoral thesis ("disputation") means that a Doctoral student who has written a scientific thesis defends it in public. The thesis is examined scientifically and critically by an expert called the opponent.

Public defences at Stockholm University

When your dissertation work is nearing its completion, the manuscript is discussed in order to decide whether your public defence is advisable. There are also a number of practical details that have to be organised involving many actors at the University.

After the public defence -  degree certificate

You apply for a degree certificate on an application form or digitally via My Studies. You yourself are responsible for seeing to it that the Department reports to Ladok that your public defence has been accepted and that all the courses leading up to the Doctoral degree have been completed.

After the public defence -  degree conferment ceremony

After your public defence comes the conferment ceremony of your degree. This is a public and formal ceremony when your degree certificate is handed over to you. It is held once a year at the Stockholm City Hall and everyone who has gained a PhD is invited to attend. The ceremony usually takes place in September.


The PhD Candidates' Council protects the PhD students' interests and is represented on the Department Board by a Chairperson and a Deputy Member.

It is both interesting and important to be involved in the activities of the PhD Candidates' Council in order to be able to influence your own situation and also to take part in the development of the Department.

The present Chairperson is Andreas Bengtsson.


Middle Eastern Studies

Erik Sundblad

Seren Selvin Korkmaz

Elisa Viteri Marquez

Japanese language and culture

Damiana De Gennaro

Chinese language and culture

Paolo Nordera

Korean language and culture

Tintin Appelgren



Director of Doctoral Studies:

Isa Blumi
Phone: +468162512

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