Course details PhD programme in Economics

Find information about our courses, schedules, exams and more in the PhD programme at the Department of Economics, Stockholm University.

Year 1

Courses in year 1 are mandatory for students in our PhD programme. Schedules may change. Schedules from SSE are available on their sites.

Year 2 and 3

Courses in the programme may be added or cancelled. Schedules are preliminary.

All courses give 7.5 credits (ECTS) and are with the Department of Economics at Stockholm University, unless stated otherwise.

External PhD students

If you are a PhD student from an external institute and wish to take one of our courses, first contact the director of studies and course director, to see if you can take the course. Then contact the course administrator, find contact information below.

Reach out to the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Uppsala University (UU) for courses with them.


Year 1


Year 2 and 3


Other information


Your course schedule is available both on the Athena site and in Timeedit. Sign in to see your schedules. You will also see dates and times of written exams in schedules, and once confirmed, the location.


Register for exams in Ladok

Registration in Ladok is mandatory for all written examinations. Registration deadlines are communicated on Athena.

Ladok for students

Examination services

Thoroughly read the information given by Examination services, on examination rules, how to find the examination hall and your seat etc. Always bring a valid ID card.

Examination services at SU

Previous exam questions

Examples of previous exam questions will be posted on the Athena site.

Re-take exams

Re-take exams for Microeconomics I (EC38008) and Mathematics I (EC38031/PhD500) are scheduled in January, and the rest first-year courses in August/September.

Check your course schedule for exam dates and times, as well as the Athena site for registration dates in Ladok. Contact the course administrator if you need to re-register on a course in order to take an exam.


Athena is the main learning platform at Stockholm University (SU). On your course site you will find the schedule, syllabus, readings and more. You can also download Athena as an app.



The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) uses Canvas as their learning platform. They will send you information about how to sign in.

SSE Canvas

Credit transfer

For first-year courses, you need to fill out an application form. First talk to Ann-Sofie Kolm about which courses you want to transfer, then contact Anneli Eriksson for a form.


All first-year courses have written exams. Re-take exams are scheduled in January and August. Registration is mandatory in Ladok, deadlines will be communicated on the Athena site. For courses and exams at SSE, register with them.

Please read this information before sitting your first exam:

Examination services at SU

Grading scales

The official grading scale at Stockholm University for PhD studies is pass (G) and fail (U). These are the grades you will see in Ladok. However, SSE has a three-point scale: pass with distinction (VG), pass and fail, and you will receive additional grades on this scale in your first year, which will be reported in another system by the department.

Graduate students' council (GSC) at the Department of Economics

GSC is a forum for discussion among the graduate students. Find more information on our websites.

Ladok for students

SU uses Ladok as their student registration and grading documentation system. Here you will find your course registrations, grades, credits, academic transcripts etc. You also register for written exams in Ladok.

Ladok for students

Student discounts

In order to get student discounts, you usually need the Mecenat card or Studentkortet. You can print a transcript of records from Ladok in your first year. From year 2 you need a certificate from the course administrator.



Studying with a disability

You can apply for targeted study support if you have a medically documented long-term disability.

Studying with a disability

Swedish personal identity number

If you don't have a Swedish personal identity number, you need to apply for it at Skatteverket. Visit their website for more information. When you have it, email the document to as well as



You will find your schedules both on Athena and in Timeedit. You can login with your personal identity number to see all your course schedules.


T-number in Ladok

The T-number (or sometimes an R) is a temporary number you have in Ladok before you have your Swedish personal identity number. Remember to email Ladok when you have it, and they will change it for you:

Websites for more information

PhD Programme in Economics
Course details PhD programme in Economics
Department of Economics
Nationalekonomiska institutionen



Administration and communication
Director of studies PhD level

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