Stratifiering, välfärd och socialpolitik-seminarium: Dragana Stojmenovska (New York University)
Datum: tisdag 22 november 2022
Tid: 13.00 – 14.15
Plats: F800
Relational Inequality and Organizational Variation in the Gender Authority Gap
Stratifiering, välfärd och socialpolitik-seminarium, vid Institutet för social forskning (SOFI).
Dragana Stojmenovska från New York University presenterar "Relational Inequality and Organizational Variation in the Gender Authority Gap"
Detta seminarium hålls online, delta via Zoom:
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This study examines organizational variation in the gender gap in workplace authority and its relationship to organizational actors’ relative power to claim authority at the workplace. Building on the “relational inequalities” literature, I argue that inequality in authority is produced locally through processes of claims-making by groups of individuals in the form of (explicit or implicit) statements about why they are more deserving of having authority than categorically distinct others. Based on employer-employee matched linked survey and administrative data of more than 100,000 individuals from 500 work organizations in the Netherlands, and mixed effects multilevel logistic analyses, I find considerable organizational variation in the gender authority gap. The size of the gap across organizations seems to be related to women’s and men’s relative power to claim authority as an organizational resource. Specifically, I find that the gender authority gap is larger in organizations with larger shares of men and organizations where men tend to have higher status relative to women in terms of other culturally or organizationally recognized status distinctions, for example in organizations where men tend to have permanent employment status and women tend to have temporary employment status.
Läs mer om Dragana Stojmenovska på vår engelskspråkiga sida
Senast uppdaterad: 15 november 2022
Sidansvarig: SOFI